‘Creepy’ Joe Biden Made a Bee-Line for Little Girl  – IOTW Report

‘Creepy’ Joe Biden Made a Bee-Line for Little Girl 


Whether it was something in the air or just Creepy Joe’s ‘sick sense,’ the lecherous Commander-in-Least could not resist the sight of a little girl in a crowd gathered to watch him shuffle off for another weekend getaway at Camp David.

While revoltin’ Joe was meandering along a pre-ordained path to his Marine One chopper, the tiny tot was caught in the corner of his dimming eye. more

24 Comments on ‘Creepy’ Joe Biden Made a Bee-Line for Little Girl 

  1. Parants: Never use your kids as bait! Especially to hook this old kiddy sniffer!!
    Don’t use your children like that – it’s shameful and disgusting!

  2. They need to have a system for Bozo Joe like the electric fence system for keeping your dog in your yard. Shock collar around Joe’s neck and the transmitters on the Secret Service agents around him. Anytime he decides to move towards a child – ZAP!!!! I think that’s got possibilities! ;^)

  3. Say what?
    MONDAY, 4 MARCH 2024, 9:41 AT 9:41 AM
    “What parent, in their right mind, would bring a young daughter to see Biden?”

    People have used their children for centuries to purchase favor with priests and rulers.

    All you have to do is have Democrat ethics and a desire to curry favor with satan for yourself no matter the cost, and its easy.

    Lots of people suck.

    Always have and always will.

  4. Democrats will do whatever it takes to show their devotion to evil, including letting this insane pedophile paw their daughters and smiling as he does it.

  5. Back in the day neighborhood would have gotten together to teach Pedo Joe a lesson. Now the dad’s seem to be missing and mom’s are using their children as bait to be on TV or Youtube.

  6. Eugenia – yeah, and how would that go with the Secret Service around? I don’t disagree when it comes to the locker room pedophiles, and all the folks out in the public sphere that pull this garbage…but the president? Nobody would ever consider it. They just make sure NEVER to put their child in his/harm’s way ever again.

  7. I would never expose my 4 young granddaughters ever to joey, let alone my 2 and-a-half-year-old grandson. I second Harry’s suggestion of putting a shock collar around joey’s neck. FJB! Let’s go Brandon! Of course, Hell would have to freeze over before joey ever visits Eastern Wash. or N. Idaho since we have too many white people living in this part of the country.

  8. Straight scum, the only thing that elicit a stimulus in his syphlitic rotten brain is ice cream and children. This filthy sack of shit needs to shuffle off this mortal coil (from natural causes) soon…

  9. Creepster Biden has been a creep, is a creep, will be a creep, creeping out people every day till he dies, and even after he dies.

    Creepy in death, as he is in life.


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