25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Top Scientists Warn – IOTW Report

25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Top Scientists Warn

A group of some of the world’s leading scientists has alerted the public to a devastating discovery regarding those who have been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots.

Top scientists at the world-renowned Cambridge University in England have published the results of a bombshell study into the impact of the injections on the human immune system.

The study concluded that 25 percent of all people vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots now have Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

According to the study, one in four people who received a Covid mRNA injection suffered an “unintended immune response.” MORE HERE

43 Comments on 25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Top Scientists Warn

  1. When these shots first came out there were discussions of bad responses, for example “cytokine storms”. There should be a lawsuit that forces these pharma companies and governments from calling these shots “vaccines”, because they are not vaccines in the usual sense.

  2. I look on this as a “positive thing”. As I become older, my tolerance for stupid people becomes less and less each day. And people who have been COVID vax’ed multiple times fall into that category. Perhaps they will die and the Left will get their wish to drastically reduce the world’s population.
    I am 72 and by my reckoning am in the “back 9 yards” of life. But I ate dirt and played outside when I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s. I have a fairly good immune system, but did inherit crappy bronchial tubes, so there is that to contend with.

  3. ““back 9 yards” of life” -Big Momma

    Last two minutes of the 4th Quarter
    Two outs, nobody on, bottom of the 9th, you’re up
    4th down, 80 yards to go, 10 seconds on the game clock
    One phone call short of the Neptune Society
    The Devil called. You’re late!

    (Sorry, Big Momma, it’s just that you triggered me! 🤣)

  4. 18 months after the clot shots, both the wife and I developed AFIB and both required a heart operation. If you don’t have a heart doc, you better get one now.

  5. Don’t need(or want) a heart doc. I eat animal protein pretty much exclusively, last blood work up I had done indicated a less than a 1% chance of dying from CHD.

    And of course I skipped the vax.

  6. “I take boosters, wear at least 2 masks and always ask people I’m around if they are sick. If I’m not sure I take extra precautions and don’t leave my house. I’ve never had COVID, that is so much better than being sick for any number of hours.”

    A normie reply to me saying I took ivermectin and was over the coof after 36 hours.

    The normie response got a bunch of upvotes and my post was removed for “misinformation.” Because somehow they know I really didn’t take ivermectin and wasn’t really over it in 36 hours. Are the goddamn cameras on me or something?

  7. It took diplomatic skills to defend my antivax position against a former commander. The more we see articles like this the less I hear from him. He’s no longer bragging about keeping up with his shots and boosters. Sad really. He even refused to listen to his own son, a conservative, antivax doctor.

  8. Some pretty cold hearted shit here really. There’s a lot of people that were forced to get it or become unemployed. We know a school teacher that was dead set against it but had to comply. She just retired and now she’s been diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s not alone. It’s a damn epidemic. Vax related? To many cancer victims all at once not to be. Our Government screwed lots of people.

  9. No doubt the labs are still being fully funded under the table and running flat out at high speed. One day end life on earth will wake up dead and no one will be around to give two chits, maybe just the bugs in the ground that made it out.

  10. I know two sides of the coin. One side that I have sympathy for are those who were going to lose their job if they refused, some still refused and lost their jobs, some of them sued and won a lot of back pay. Then I know those who couldn’t wait to get them and others who still haven’t stopped getting them. Many of them are no longer with us and others have issues, some who only got the initial rounds admit what caused their issues, those still getting booster after booster believe it’s those of us who refused somehow have caused their issues instead of the shots.

    Then I know those I put in the middle, believed their doctors, although the doctors had no idea what were in them. I have no respect for those doctors. Then what I call the pussies, the men who allowed their wives to push them into taking them.

    I try to have a little sympathy, but then also most of these people I know or knew personally I gave them all the information on mrna and they called me crazy.

  11. Cold-hearted or not, I hope Stephen Colbert gets Vaids. I also hope he gets anal herpes and there is no hiding it. You have to admit that skit he did, was the gayest thing ever.

  12. My son-in-law lost his mom less than 2 years ago after having her physical two weeks before with a clean bill of health died in her sleep, then his father died six months later suddenly. He’s knows the shots killed them both. He’s not happy with those that did this.

  13. If AIDS stands for Another Idiot Dick Soaker, would Vaids stand for Vaccine Addled Ignorant Dem Sympathizer? With apologies to those that were forced to take it.

  14. I knew several people who were really vocal about how awful the “anti-vaxers” are. They’re gone. The merchants of death are still peddling their poison, and many poorly informed people are still buying it. It’s tragic.

  15. We’ve discussed this over and over here going back years. The whole thing was a planned genocide and control experiment, starting out with people over 70 to help reduce the Medicare, Social Security and pension costs not only here but around the world.

    The Cabal has many more groups in it for many reasons, now, but it doesn’t matter.

    People have died. More people WILL die. The only question left is WHEN WILL WE STOP FUTURE GENOCIDES? When are we going to stop the Cabal – starting with our runaway Federal Government?

  16. I had co-workers get jabbed. I didn’t. This made some of them my patients.

    But they found an even crueler way to get to me. They killed my mother. Turbo cancer.

    I will never forgive and will never forget.

    Things will be coming to a head this summer.

    Chaos can expand opportunities for vengeance.

    If one is so inclined.

  17. wasn’t thrilled to get vaxxed but did so, twice. within two weeks I had lost all my hair, it did grow back, had continuing rashes, at the bottom if my breastbone a bone growth emerged, and at 68, never had problems with headaches, suffered from migraines that lasted for days. all auto immune responses, not life threatening but darn annoying. Finally 5 months after the shots I was diagnosed with uterine cancer, stage 1 leading to a full hysterectomy. doctors were shocked because I had none of the risk factors. I told them about all my auto immune problems since the shot and asked if my cancer could gave been linked. he didn’t say no, but indicated it was a possibility. I have avoided any boosters

  18. Got da Covid for the first time 10 days ago. I knew it was coming, so I took the best zinc accelerator I could lay my hands on, which was Quercetin. Also megadoses of D and C. Was over the bad stuff in 48 hours

    But boy, did it kick my ass for 24 hours. It was as bad as any flu I’ve had, and these are milder variants.

  19. What General Malaise said upthread….

    I’m of the mind this was a program to reduce population. We’ve known for 30 years the Silver Tsunami was going to be a challenge. What to do when Congress has spent all the social security and Medicare funds on their corrupt schemes or just plain pocketed the money? What to do about the baby boomer generation when they start asking where their money went? Easy. Just unalive them.

    What we are seeing now is the insanity of attrition through medical neglect. I’m working in a veterans nursing home. We have to send a resident out about 3 times to the ER to finally get diagnostic action and treatment. Call me cynical but I think it’s on purpose. Their “treatment algorithms and protocols” have stripped old school clinicians of being able to critically think and go with their gut thereby promoting health care. It’s not enough to stand up and make noise for your loved ones in hospitals, they’ll look you in the eye and say “so?”.

  20. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay
    TUESDAY, 5 MARCH 2024, 4:57 AT 4:57 AM

    “I’m of the mind this was a program to reduce population.”

    …absolutely. I was very involved in basic aspects of geriatric medicine in the 80s/90s and both the care and competence level were VERY different from when time and circumstance re-involved me on a familial level in the ’20s. They sure do push DNRs, hospice, and end-of-life directives now, don’t they?

    And that’s BEFORE they jab the hell out of the elderly after warehousing them with Coof patients…

    “We’ve known for 30 years the Silver Tsunami was going to be a challenge. What to do when Congress has spent all the social security and Medicare funds on their corrupt schemes or just plain pocketed the money? What to do about the baby boomer generation when they start asking where their money went? Easy. Just unalive them.”

    …one of the schemes I’ve noticed is the sharp rise of “elder care” facilities. Pretty universally poorly maintained and worse staffed. Elder care has ALWAYS been the red-headed stepchild of medicine, mostly because it is not emotionally rewarding as your patients WILL die of old age in front of you, but the level of noobs and diversity hiring from the always-absent doctor to the patient handler is amazing now, and the staffing levels even at that are a joke. Try pushing the CALL button at ANY of these facilities and see what, if any, response you get. I’ll wait…and so will you…

    “What we are seeing now is the insanity of attrition through medical neglect.”

    …the nursing home I was most recently, and unwillingly at offered NO Iv support, NO patient telemetry, staff ignoring the hell out of call lights, and the facility maintenance was so poor I’m not even comvinced those lights always worked. Again, they mostly seemed concerned with securing DNRs, after which patient monitoring became irrelevant. I will add that they also grouped patients together at tables willing or no, although whether to promote socialization or disease spread is a question. This one at least wasn’t noticably abusive, but I can’t say that was true of everyplace I looked at. I learned to be careful to always wear something with a Star of Life on it when I went there as the staff was ignorant of what exactly it was so they associated it with paramedics, because if I dressed plain they generally wouldn’t talk to my nearly 60 yo self like an adult and would try to fly pointless medical terms over my head, which disappeared if they thought I would actually understand them.

    “I’m working in a veterans nursing home. We have to send a resident out about 3 times to the ER to finally get diagnostic action and treatment.”

    …my modern VA experience is zero, but even back in the day the VA was socialized medicine at its finest. I could tell you stories of just what I saw in ERs then (never saw an actual doctor in a VA ER tho), and I have NO reason to think that got better in Current Year Amerika.

    “Call me cynical but I think it’s on purpose. Their “treatment algorithms and protocols” have stripped old school clinicians of being able to critically think and go with their gut thereby promoting health care.”

    …100% TRUTH. Medicine in Modern Era has become SO formalized and SO beholden to insurers and the government (thanks. Obamacare) that medical professionals are afraid to actually PRACTICE medicine. They just do what CDC and bureaucrat-crafted protocol mandate in a one-size-fits-all fashion that completely ignores that medicine isn’t a one-size-fits-all profession, out of fear of lawsuit or inadequate training and experience. I notice too an over-reliance on medical devices to do things like find veins, take BPs, and assess oxygenation, which a previous generation could do faster and better by palp and observation out of sheer repetition.

    I know this very intimately and personally because, due to a nurse being paralyzed by a nonstandard situation and a doctor that didn’t pick up his phone I had to save my wn son’s life IN A HOSPITAL, but I’ve told that here before and so won’t repeat now. Suffice to say that young lady wasn’t mentally flexible AT ALL, and that I have reason to believe this was just how the facility WANTED her to be.

    …I would enjoy going on about this with you, particularly about hospice care as I had some recent experience with that and I know you are a professional at it, but this is already TL:DNR, so I’ll leave it for another day.

    Suffice to say that I agree with you.

    The elderly are dying far faster and with far less quality of life than they should be.

    And that it’s because that’s exactly how the government that now pays the bills and writes the protocols and signs the licenes WANTS it.

  21. One more thing about Government procedures and Government takeover of medicine;

    Back in my day, doctors had independent practices, not only independent of government but also independent of corporate medicine. Most doctors practiced in groups of three or four with their own standalone offices, staff, and
    and records and were well trained and very confident in their skills and knowledge because they had to EARN it. Medical schools were quite picky then, and doctors had to prove themselves at every level before they could
    reach Attending.

    This is why there was a major difference in how the medical community responded to a “health crisis” or “pandemic” between then and now.

    There was a similar health issue advanced by government back in the day (probably created by government as well, just like the current one), but bloodborne instead of respiratory. However it was created it was no illusion and could be quite deadly and infectious in some circumstances, but Government wanted this to be the ’80s Coof in the way they were blowing it up. It went by an assortment of names as it developed, but AIDS was the scariest one so they ran with that.

    They tried like HELL to make us afraid of it, that it could be transmitted by saliva, by invisible blood, by vomit, by sweat, and maybe by simply touching a patient with an ungloved hand, and that it could live infinitely on hard
    surfaces and infect you much later if not properly cleaned. Suffice to say the doctors of the time had more faith in their knowledge than their government and weren’t having it; Universal Precautions were developed and adapted, and
    this proved to be sufficient to protect health care providers from infection if followed correctly, no mega isolation or taking equipment out of service for deep sterilization required.

    This wasn’t for lack of effort on the Government’s part to terrify everyone involved in any way with health care. I was there, I know.

    Wanna know who was pushing this as the Disease That Would Kill The World back in the day, 30-40 years ago?

    Guy named “Fauci”.

    You might have heard of him.

    …doctors NOW, since they chased the old-line doctors out with Obamacare, are MUCH more fearful, MUCH less confident, and FAR more beholden to the Government and to fascist corporate entities for a paycheck. Plus, the Government has developed a tendency to challenge the licenses of doctors who don’t parrot the Government narrative in Current Year Amerika. Also there are fewer doctors so much has devolved to PAs, NPs, and many different flavors of nurses who are very restricted in going outside of

    It is because of this that Coof “care” was allowed to spin out of control. Simply put, no one has the balls to challenge the CDC “Guidance” any more.

    This is also why Disease X will result in complete tyranny and millions of needless deaths.

    God help us.

    Medicine won’t.

  22. SNS…

    God bless you for your well thought out and composed response. I have felt so paranoid and cynical of what I’ve been seeing, and it seems like they’re doing it in plain sight and not even trying to hide it anymore.

    State was in our building 3 weeks ago. The peons (floor staff) walked right up to them in front of all the bosses and said “let me tell you about all the shit that goes down here, I’ve been taking notes for the past 6 months”. State just laughed and walked away. That was what told me the fix was in.

    God help us indeed, we are going to need His guidance and comfort for the decades to come.


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