Biden Sold Millions Of Barrels Of Strategic Oil Reserves To China. Now, Congress Wants To Ban It – IOTW Report

Biden Sold Millions Of Barrels Of Strategic Oil Reserves To China. Now, Congress Wants To Ban It

Now. LOL. 🙄

DC: Congress is looking to ban the sale of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) after the Biden administration sold several million barrels to Chinese companies in 2021 and 2022, according to the text of a newly-released government funding bill.

Lawmakers wrote a provision effectuating the ban on SPR sales to China into the short-term government funding bill released Sunday. The Biden administration tapped into the SPR in 2021 and 2022 to counter high gas prices ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, with nearly six million barrels from America’s key oil stockpiles being sold to Chinese interests. more

18 Comments on Biden Sold Millions Of Barrels Of Strategic Oil Reserves To China. Now, Congress Wants To Ban It

  1. These Assholes sat there for three years letting the commies running Jackass Joe get away with this and more and NOW they want to stop it??? Where were they when we were screaming about it when it was obvious from the get-go???

  2. Every one of these Obama puppeteers are gutless bastards out to destroy our country with doing treasonous, criminal acts using Biden as a stalking horse. I hope to God I live to see the Reckoning.

    Where the fuck is Congress? They’re about as useful as pedals on a wheelchair.

  3. ^^ The first two commenters said it all.

    I’ve wanted to shut down Congress for years.

    How about a Constitutional Amendment that would require a 60% yes-vote of State Legislatures to even hold a Congressional session? And each time, new Congressmen and Senators would have to be elected to serve in that session?

    Since we’re so clearly incapable of governing ourselves, let’s make it harder – and more precious – to govern. Think of the laws that wouldn’t get passed!!

  4. The DoD has identified China as the biggest threat to the US. People were even saying this back in the 1960’s, when Russia was starting to mellow out a bit and China was acting like a dangerous rabid Hyena. Why, why would we give up part our petroleum reserve to them? It defies explanation.

    RINO Globalists Nixon and Kissassinger started this madness. Fifty+ years later we’re still trying to win the PRC, diametrically opposed to our concepts of freedom and independence, over by handing them gifts, freebies, our manufacturing, reserve petroleum, and in addition, letting them run wild in SE Asia and destroy our people with drugs and diseases. The freaks running things in DC don’t care about the people. They don’t care if we live or die, and could well be plotting the deaths of millions of us.

    It’s like giving candy to a baby to shut it up and get it to be nice. But this particular baby, China is all grown up and is kicking us in the ass.

    It is really sick times we are living through.

  5. Actually there may be an explanation for a lot of phenomena that we’ve seen over the last four years including the covid19 epidemic, fentanyl drugs streaming in courtesy of China and Mexico, invasion across our southern border that weakens us, leaving billions worth of military equipment in Aphgangsterstan, billions in aid to Ukraine…

    IMO, the fed gov’t will do just about anything to keep us out of an Asian war with China. We don’t have enough equipment, we don’t have enough bullets, not enough armor, not enough soldiers, not enough Navy Ships…why fight over Taiwan, a a country and a people we know nothing about (to borrow from former Brit PM N. Chamberpot).

    Again, just my opinion, and want to read what others have to say.

  6. ^^^^^ With all of this going on, bad guys such as Soros and the WEF goons have got millions of young people worried about their gender and which gender pronouns to use, or if not that, got them so disturbed they think it’s OK to have sex with trees and animals, or with the same sex. And if that’s not enough we got zombies stumbling around and shitting in the streets because of Fentanyl.

    It’s all good, it’s all OK children. See something in a store you like, just grab it and take it – it yours. The police aren’t going to bother you. While the police sleep, you thieve,


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