Report: Victoria Nuland Resigns – IOTW Report

Report: Victoria Nuland Resigns

24 Comments on Report: Victoria Nuland Resigns

  1. She may have resigned OFFICIALLY…..but she is sure to still wield too much power UNOFFICIALLY.
    Keep track of her whereabouts. We may need to have her arrested and tried later.

  2. She’ll turn up lije a bad penny somewhere else in the deep state. She’d no doubt be SOS for President Haley. Hell, she probably resigned to get on that short list before the stench of Ukraine envelopes her like a fog.

  3. No she’s just going some where where she can cause even more damage. This woman is toxic. And don’t let them fool you, she tells Blinken what to do and when to do it.

  4. Not that I give two shits but I bet if you stack up this woman’s world philosophy against that of Nikki’s, you would not see a bit of difference.

    Both are Susan Rice minus the BLM T-shirt.

  5. I’m guessing that something big is about to come out. As Russian forces gain ground, we’re going to learn more about those 12+ CIA facilities that were sprinkled along the Russia/Ukraine border, and maybe even the Bio-labs. She wouldn’t be running for the exit if her little Ukraine project was going well.

  6. Joe6
    That’s why when we were young we were told to always get a good look at the mother before you get to serious.

    Hard to tell whether the ugly made her mean, or the mean made her ugly.

  7. well who is in charge of the Ukraine now with her gone?
    she ran the show.
    hell bent on starting ww3.
    evil doesn’t even begin to describe that bitch.
    looks a lot like Hillary doesn’t she?
    demon possession makes you ugly!


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