FFS. – IOTW Report

10 Comments on FFS.

  1. Bad joke gets a courteous chuckle for his lame joke, and then he proceeds to run it into the ground. Maybe they should have flashed the “WHOOP” sign after the punch line for the plants in the audience to drown him out.

  2. Biden, we certainly noticed what you did.
    Every policy you enacted and every Executive order you issued has severely damaged every family financially across the Nation.

    You are Obama’s puppet or an absolute idiot, either has devastated families.

  3. Pedophiles tend to be well versed on things that involve children. It gives them access and gains trust.

    There may be a little girl behind the camera he’s playing to.

    As a reward for him, he’s moved on from ice cream.

  4. Henry Eyeball – the actual National Socialist party did a lot of good things for the average German family. Unemployment was cut almost in half during mustache man’s 9 months as Chancellor, before winning the election in a huge majority and becoming Fuhrer. A better description for today’s Democrat party would be National Bolsheviks.


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