Cuomo Gets Subpoena: COVID-19/Nursing Homes – IOTW Report

Cuomo Gets Subpoena: COVID-19/Nursing Homes

House Oversight

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) announced a subpoena to compel former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to appear for a deposition on May 24, 2024.

On March 25, 2020, Governor Cuomo issued a mandate that forced New York nursing homes and long-term care facilities to admit or re-admit potentially contagious and untested COVID-19 patients. This order recklessly exposed New York’s most vulnerable population to COVID-19 with deadly consequences. During the Cuomo Administration, it was reported that more than 15,000 individuals died in New York nursing homes and long-term care facilities. Evidence also suggests that former Governor Cuomo engaged in a coverup to hide the true New York nursing home mortality rate from the public and shift political blame away from his administration.

The Select Subcommittee has worked in good faith to schedule a voluntary transcribed interview with former Governor Cuomo to discuss his COVID-19 nursing home policies. Former Governor Cuomo has repeatedly and unjustifiably delayed the Select Subcommittee’s investigation by not responding to requests for weeks, ignoring Select Subcommittee staff’s attempts to negotiate interview dates and times, and providing unreasonable availability—nine months after the interview was originally requested.  Today’s subpoena has sadly become necessary to uncover the truth about New York’s pandemic-era nursing home policies and deliver the answers Americans demand, and New Yorkers especially deserve.

22 Comments on Cuomo Gets Subpoena: COVID-19/Nursing Homes

  1. I was always amazed at people who could accept the logic that we had to ABSOLUTELY ban relatives from seeing their dying grandparents to protect them from possible Coof, while forcing them to accept people who DEFINITELY had Coof AT THE SAME TIME.

    It’s almost like they wanted old people to die, and wanted them to die ALONE just for the sheer cruelty of it.

    Or they didn’t want anyone to see what was going on that couldn’t easily be dismissed as demented.

    …or both…

  2. Remember, he’s just one of thousands that perpetrated the massive fraud on the world knowingly and intentionally. The results will have tragic implications for decades, if not longer. Nothing short of crimes against humanity. Mengele would be so proud.

  3. …so while you’re at it, go after the State of California in general and Gavin Newsome in particular for causing CLEARLY unnecessary deaths like this one with his stupid, arbitrary, and illegal Coof rules…

    …and burn down the ambulance service and the medics while you’re at it, law or no law you just don’t let people die because a politician said to, because NO law trumps God’s and if you’re not willing to take risks to help His creations then you’re in the wrong damn job…

  4. Cuomo, and also Newscum, Whitmer, Murphy of New Jersey, plus a number of other mini-dictators at all levels of government and medical levels need the Tribunal experience…

  5. The sad part is there was a USN hospital ship in NY harbor, and a field hospital had been set up at the Javits Center, and Cuomo never made use of them. At a minimum he should be charged with gross incompetence.

  6. Queen Gretch of MI needs to be taken away …. PLEASE!

    Put her in Gitmo with all the other evil Covid death cultists. They hate us, they want us dead, so let’s let them go first.


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