81 Million Vote Recipient Joe Biden First Incumbent to Lose a Primary Since Jimmy Carter – IOTW Report

81 Million Vote Recipient Joe Biden First Incumbent to Lose a Primary Since Jimmy Carter

GP: Joe Biden, the most popular president in US history, was the first incumbent to lose a primary race in more than 4 decades.

Biden on Tuesday lost the American Samoa Democrat primary to unknown entrepreneur Jason Palmer.

But he totally got 81 million votes. more

9 Comments on 81 Million Vote Recipient Joe Biden First Incumbent to Lose a Primary Since Jimmy Carter

  1. When the bar was dropped to the bottom to accommodate the Kenyan Usurper, you should’ve known there would be no end to all the “firsts” we would have rubbed in our faces.

    It’s out of our hands at this point. Only God Himself will/can cleanse this poison from the Earth.


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