NYC Puts National Guard in Subways – IOTW Report

NYC Puts National Guard in Subways

24 Comments on NYC Puts National Guard in Subways

  1. I went to Venezuela about 30 years ago before it got really bad. Restaurants and pretty much anywhere public you went there were military with automatic weapons “guarding” the premises, just saying…

  2. This is equivalent to TSA, which mission is to make us *feel safe*, not to actually make us safe. Which it has proven over and over. These troops won’t target the obvious thugs because that would be profiling, but maybe the thugs won’t be active with the armed troops around. Hochul’s hope is simply for us to think it’s all going to be okay, regardless the results.

  3. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    THURSDAY, 7 MARCH 2024, 13:29 AT 1:29 PM
    “Dumbass gutless fucking pukes.

    I don’t go anywhere where I can’t carry a gun.”

    Ask Bernie Goetz or Daniel Penny what happens if you successfully defend yourself or others on an NYC subway, gun or no.

  4. Wonky Honky, it was the same way in the Philippines under the autocratic rule of Ferdinand Marcos 50 years ago when we were in port in Subic Bay and went into Olongapo City. I still remember seeing Filipino cops armed with automatic weapons on the streets of Po town to keep order and protect the local population from the Huks who were the local bad guys in the jungles outside of town.

  5. What Brad said got me thinking. Those LEO and soldiers should be at the entrance of the subway. All a hamas supporter has to do is make it halfway between the steps and the inspection table with an IED and everybody is dead.

  6. None to the border, so the flood won’t stop, and we’ll just get more. What about other cities?? And where is NY City going to send the trash overflow???

  7. There’s no effectively bail in New York. Hochul suddenly arresting maniacs and criminals is all show, and just more of the plan to impose martial law. And martial law is coming.

  8. Totally unconstitutional and unnecessary abridgement of our 4th Amendment rights. You can’t search people without due cause. This is more of the TSA-style encroachment.
    Stop the invaders at the border!
    Allow the police to do their job and arrest scumbags!
    Deport illegal invaders ASAP!
    It’s really very simple….

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