House Approves ‘Laken Riley Act,’ Mandating DHS Detain Criminal Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

House Approves ‘Laken Riley Act,’ Mandating DHS Detain Criminal Illegal Aliens

Breitbart: House Republicans, and a few dozen House Democrats, passed the “Laken Riley Act,” which would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to detain illegal aliens like Jose Antonio Ibarra, who is accused of kidnapping and murdering Laken Riley in Athens, Georgia. more

12 Comments on House Approves ‘Laken Riley Act,’ Mandating DHS Detain Criminal Illegal Aliens

  1. Oh goody. Everything in the world is fixed now because it’s mandated.
    Maybe we can get the Supreme Court to mandate rather than make legal rulings so they can no longer be simply ignored.

  2. And risk the ire of politicians in sanctuary cities?

    How about DHS apprehend and deport EVERY illegal alien? What’s wrong with that? They’re invaders that threaten our country and the Constitution requires that the Federal Government protect the States from invasion.

    How’s about it, k̶i̶d̶s punks?

  3. “Criminal Illegal Aliens”

    A distinction without a difference.

    They are all breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Breaking the law is a criminal act, ergo they are all “Criminal Illegal Aliens”

    Stop spitting hairs and


    “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;”
    -Article 4, Section 4, United States Constitution

  4. How is this not federal law already? It probably IS the law—or a “rule”—right now, just not enforced. And it will continue to be unenforced by the Uniparty/Deep State, no matter what “mandate” they use to dress it up.

    They have an agenda, and Laken Riley was just a speed bump on the road. We may make it a washboard road with our bodies, but they’ll still put the pedal to the metal.

  5. I’ll second the “deport them all” notion, and anyone who give aid and comfort to said aliens including the judges and NGO from CEO to worker bee. As for the ones who commit further crimes: summary execution. The fish need to eat too.

  6. Defiant Shitpants made the case for his IMMEDIATE Impeachment.

    Every GOPe dummy (running for reelection) that gripes about things needs to be slapped in the face on camera and made to act on this ASAP.


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