An Iranian Hit Man On The Loose In Florida May Be The Least Of Our Worries – IOTW Report

An Iranian Hit Man On The Loose In Florida May Be The Least Of Our Worries


We have been warning for some time about the danger of the Iranians and their surrogates like Hezbollah using Venezuela as a launching pad for attacks inside the United States. That possibility is particularly troubling given the number of Venezuelan passport holders this administration has allowed into the country. We don’t need to speculate about this threat anymore, however. It is no longer a possibility. It is happening. more

18 Comments on An Iranian Hit Man On The Loose In Florida May Be The Least Of Our Worries

  1. AND China. AND all of the drug & slavery cartels. AND probably Russia, and a bunch of others.
    When the administration signals to the world that there is no check whatsoever at the border, nations with evil intent will send their soldiers. How is that not obvious to everyone??? (Answer: it is, for some reason they WANT this)

  2. not to worry! biden-incessantly can locate catholic/schoolboard parent protestors/yt rural terrorists effortlessly, won’t be a problem. ask the jino-ag, mewwick.

  3. LCD,
    Yes. After reading the article my comment was, They’re (democrats) not stupid they’re evil. The current powers that be thrive on chaos as a means of control. Let’s say, election time, population control time, after they have created our own demise. And, they have already filled foreign armies in every USA city. I venomously despise these traitors.

  4. Those who support the people responsible for these open border policies are supporting their own demise (and yours). Something to remember. In seven decades+ I’ve never seen such destructive, evil and insane things from our government, and there have been many. The results will be catastrophic.

  5. Two years ago a store on the highway near where I used to live suddenly closed down. A local cop said the Iranian guy who owned and ran it was carted off for being an Iranian spy who was plotting a lot of bad shit. I just thought he was joking, but maybe not? I do know the state took the property and sold it at auction, the people who bought it have been trying to remodel it. They totally gutted it down to studs and concrete and still can’t get the smell out.
    I know for years it was owned by a couple who I guess got to old to run it anymore and sold it and the Iranian bought it and rarely were their any customers in front anymore. I stopped one day not knowing it was ran by an Iranian to use the bathroom, opened the door and went back to the car, the smell was that bad.
    I don’t know what Iranians, Indians and rag heads do, but they sure stink up a joint.

    The latest though are the Chinese, them little suckers are like rats, they bought up all kinds of land for “pot farms” and opening up “massage parlors” everywhere. The state has been trying to crack down and have been taking away their properties if they weren’t legal and massage parlors are constantly being raided and they’re finding they’re sex traffickers, that’s in neighboring states as well.

    I never thought the Mexicans would be the least of our problems.

  6. Back in the day, the sale of America carried a very high price and few could afford that price.

    It appears ‘Bidenomics’ has had a reverse effect on the value of America and way too many evil people are taking advantage of the greatly reduced prices.

  7. ORWW, I have a son in Shawnee and a daughter in Edmond. Last time in Edmond, a person would be hard pressed to find a corner without either dispensary or massage parlor, usually both.

  8. Your “At Risk” index is higher than it’s ever been. It’s off the charts. We’re a heart beat away from looking like Afghanistan. You need to access your ability to survive and defend. You need to establish gathering points with your family and extended family. You need a plan and supplies.

  9. There are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of enemy agents who Biden allowed to cross the border. We’re going to see a war inside our country before election day. And only way to stop the violence is martial law. That has always been the plan.l


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