Alabama Is The First State In 2024 To Pass School Choice – IOTW Report

Alabama Is The First State In 2024 To Pass School Choice

Alabama on Wednesday became the first state in 2024 to pass school choice and is now the 11th state in the country to have universal education savings accounts (ESAs).

House Bill 129, the Creating Hope and Opportunity for Our Students’ Education (CHOOSE) Act headed to the desk of Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, who made passing universal ESAs her “number one legislative priority,” according to a press release from February.

Ivey signed the CHOOSE Act Thursday, according to her Twitter.
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5 Comments on Alabama Is The First State In 2024 To Pass School Choice

  1. “At the end of the day, we all want every Alabama student – no matter the zip code, no matter the school — to receive a quality education,”

    Which puts them at direct odds with the motives of the American Federation of Teachers.

    The only thing more unpalatable for Randi Weingarten than seeing a heterosexual couple kissing, is implementing school choice, which will effectively put her and her Democrat funding buddies out of business.

    But I’m fuzzy on the details. Does this mean that tax payers withhold a certain amount of their tax obligations and send it to the school? Do they pay as usual but write in the name of the school where the funds should go? What is the mechanism that denies the moneys to the public school system and re-directs it to the private school your kids are attending?

  2. hallmark of gubmint d-suckers. they establish incompetent monopolies (examples: cdc/fda/nih), then use yo $$$ to defend themselves from competition.


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