Special Counsel Confirms Biden Willingly Shared Classified Docs In Sworn Testimony – IOTW Report

Special Counsel Confirms Biden Willingly Shared Classified Docs In Sworn Testimony

Trending Politics:

Special counsel Robert Hur confirmed on Tuesday that President Joe Biden was previously aware he was in possession of classified documents taken from his time in the Obama administration years before he turned them over in late 2022.

Testifying on Capitol Hill Tuesday, a moment of truth was captured when Hur and Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA) discussed Biden’s admission to a ghostwriter that he came upon boxes of classified materials during a previous search of his basement. The statement would directly contradict President Biden’s earlier denial that he shared unauthorized information with the ghostwriter. more

9 Comments on Special Counsel Confirms Biden Willingly Shared Classified Docs In Sworn Testimony

  1. And in questioning Hur, Matt Gaetz said to Hur that he believes Biden and Trump should have been treated equally. WTF Gaetz? As President, Trump had the right to declassify documents, as Vice President, Biden had no such power. On top of that Trump was not distributing or reading from SCIF documents to a ghost writer so he write a book. Trump should be President and Biden should be in jail.

  2. Mr. Hur believes a sympathetic jury would conclude he is a “well-meaning, elderly old man with a poor memory” who would most likely not be convicted by a jury.

    Hey douchenozzel, your not the jury or the judge but you just made yourself one. It was not up to you decide. It should have ran it’s course. You should be de-barred.

  3. He was a rassissist IDIOT decades ago,
    Gave the Corn Pop Speech to prove it,
    And still is a RASSISSSIST Retarddatta, Crooked, Bastardo WEF TRAITOR OCCUPIER of the Chair.

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