McConnell’s Sister-in-Law Drowned in Tesla with ‘Nearly Impossible’ to Break Windows – IOTW Report

McConnell’s Sister-in-Law Drowned in Tesla with ‘Nearly Impossible’ to Break Windows

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) New details have emerged surrounding the suspicious death of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s sister-in-law, Angela Chao, who drowned after mistakenly reversing her Tesla Model X into a Texas pond on Feb. 11.

The Wall Street Journal suggested Saturday that Chao may have died due to the strengthened windows on her Tesla, which proved “nearly impossible” to break as individuals desperately attempted a rescue.

Shortly after entering the pond, Chao made a desperate call to friends. Friends, a ranch manager, paramedics, firefighters and sheriff’s deputies made numerous attempts over hours to break the windows, but their rescue efforts proved in vain. more here

35 Comments on McConnell’s Sister-in-Law Drowned in Tesla with ‘Nearly Impossible’ to Break Windows

  1. If I ever find myself submerged in water and unable to roll down a window, I’ll first try to find the little glass breaking tool that is kept inside. If that doesn’t happen post haste, then I might consider seeing what a 45ACP round might do to get the opening clear. Seems strange that several people had access to the car, and being on a Texas ranch I can only imagine the tools at hand, pick axe, hammer,t post driver, shovel, and probably several firearms. Monday morning quarterbacking here, none of know how we would respond to this or how successful we would be.

  2. Even a plain tempered glass window can be hard to break without glass break tool as mentioned in post above. I don’t understand why extra strengthened glass is necessary beyond a selling point for anti theft and a upcharge for the manufacturer. Another reason I like roll up/down windows and manual locks. Not many think of the drawbacks when they purchase, only the convenience.

  3. One Chinese spy down.
    She probably announced she was going to support Trump.
    A ranch manager, paramedics, firefighters and sheriff’s deputies failed to break the windows.
    Let me guess they were all DEI/LGBTQ hires.

  4. A battery powered vehicle whose battery could fail and burst into flames rendering vehicle and accessories inoperable.

    Designers of said vehicle decide to equip it with electric locks, windows and strengthened glass.

  5. I’ve never tried this, but I heard/saw that you take the head rest out of the seat(good luck finding the release tab/button) and break the glass with the metal post. The instructions are on the bottom of the seat foam written in one of hundreds of some strange 3rd world language using micro printing. Panic doesn’t help if you can’t find your glasses in the swirling, icy, frigid, muddy water …good luck holding your breath

  6. If I had an edit tool, I’d add:

    Ways to die in a Tesla:

    (a) Burning up in a battery fire in the car OR your house (middle of the night).

    (b) Drowning in a lake or pond with the doors and windows failed shut.

    (c) Crashing when the auto-pilot/AI software fails.

    (d) Otherwise driving stupidly.

    (e) Cardiac arrest when the bill for a new battery is presented.

  7. I believe most Teslas have a manual cable release on the doors, but it’s apparently pretty well hidden. If I’m ever forced at gun point to ride in one of the damned things, the first thing I’ll do when I get in it is find that release.

  8. An Emergency Release should be clearly marked, otherwise it will never be found in an emergency! It can’t be called an Emergency Release if it’s unmarked, secret squirrel stuff!

  9. A rather unpleasant analogue to the Harry Reid Incident with ‘lefty’ the exercise machine. When a kind and gentle message lies ignored, a more stern missive may be required. At least it isn’t the Clintoon method where no warnings appear to be given.

  10. Kuma, actually their was a risk of electrocution that the first responders were concerned with because of the battery being submerged. The people whom did try to access the vehicle threw their own safety aside and were fortunate.
    Electrocution from a submerged EV is a real thing as is battling a EV fire when dousing with water.

  11. I would easily invest in some of Elon’s OTHER COMPANIES but NOT the FKN Car Business. Literally due to the fire hazards, Chemicals, lithium mining pollution & liability.

    Porche is getting SUED for that Huge Ship Fire that their electric shitbox started


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