BELGIUM: Political Activist Sentenced To One Year In Prison For ‘Hateful, Racist Speech’, Allegedly From Memes Shared In Private Chat – IOTW Report

BELGIUM: Political Activist Sentenced To One Year In Prison For ‘Hateful, Racist Speech’, Allegedly From Memes Shared In Private Chat

Envolve: A Belgian court has sentenced an activist to one year in prison for running an organization that allegedly spreads “racist, hateful, Nazi and negationist speech.”

According to POLITICO, a judge said 30-year-old Dries Van Langenhove “revelled in Nazi ideas that cause much suffering.”

“Dries Van Langenhove, a political activist and leader of a Flemish-nationalist youth movement called Schild & Vrienden, was convicted of inciting violence and denying the Holocaust, the Ghent criminal court ruled Tuesday morning,” the outlet reports.

“Former Flemish parliamentarian Dries Van Langenhove has just been sentenced to 1 year IN PRISON because supposedly ‘racist memes’ were shared in a private group chat he was a part of,” Eva Vlaardingerbroek said. more here

7 Comments on BELGIUM: Political Activist Sentenced To One Year In Prison For ‘Hateful, Racist Speech’, Allegedly From Memes Shared In Private Chat

  1. “revelled in Nazi ideas that cause much suffering.”

    Did those suffering victims come forward in the proceedings?

    I love these bogus claims. Nazi’s never rest in Belgium

  2. As with most all things involving civil liberties, if this stuff were important to you, you would move to a country where they codified it in their Constitution.

    Europe (as well as Canada and Australia) abandoned free speech long ago, just ask Mark Stein or Jordan Peterson. And yes, it is constantly under attack right here. But governments will do what the people will tolerate. Right now, it still means something, check back with me after the 2024 presidential election.


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