CA: Law Prohibiting The Purchase Of More Than One Gun Per Month Struck Down – IOTW Report

CA: Law Prohibiting The Purchase Of More Than One Gun Per Month Struck Down

“U.S. District Judge William Hayes sided with a group of California residents, gun retailers and gun rights nonprofits in finding that the one-gun-a-month law did not fit within the nation’s historical tradition of firearms regulation.” more

11 Comments on CA: Law Prohibiting The Purchase Of More Than One Gun Per Month Struck Down

  1. Could the U.S. Constitution actually save the world?

    It isn’t our “government” that has any merit so it can’t save it, imo.

    It’s the ideas expressed in our founding document.

    We need to throw our government out and start over with first principles.

  2. Are you an illegal immigrant and want a gun, but can’t buy one because you can’t pass that pesky background check? No problem! Just join the LAPD and they will give you one! Plus a high-paying job, qualified immunity, and a nice pension after only 20 years.

  3. California loses every one of their unconstitutional anti-gun laws at the district court level, but since the state has unlimited resources, they file appeal after appeal, and drag out the cases through the courts for decades. Meanwhile the plaintiffs have to rely on pro-2A organizations funded by donations. There needs to be some kind of punishment for the people who continue to do this shit. Looking at you, Gavin Newsome.

  4. Way past time to rely on manufacturers and permission from an ever increasing hostile court and government.

    3-D printing doesn’t only apply to molded plastics. It can be used for metal, and people can print their own weapons w/o a license, permission, stamps, background checks, taxes, serial numbers, or anyone ever knowing who has what and how many.


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