‘Seasonality’ – IOTW Report


Breitbart: During an interview with Bloomberg on Thursday, White House National Economic Council Deputy Director Daniel Hornung stated that “our progress on inflation does continue,” but “we’ve expected some seasonality in January and February. We didn’t expect the progress to continue on a straight line.” more here

6 Comments on ‘Seasonality’

  1. Hooray for your false numbers progress on inflation! That deserves a solid pat on the back, good job team Biden!


    “a series of plans that would lower costs for American consumers”

    Inflation “from 9% to 3%” is NOT lowering costs, you stupid nitwits.

    …”Republicans in Congress who have not taken up his plans, and, in some cases, have focused more on other issues like tax cuts for large corporations”…

    Right, for things that ACTUALLY lower costs, the Biden admin isn’t interested in. Got it.

  2. Here’s Biden’s plans, in case anyone is interested:

    1/ Price controls: Tell corporations they must lower their prices and stop things like shrinkflation.

    Because things like free market capitalism and competition apparently aren’t working and every single corporation is in on the scheme to keep prices high.

    2/ The Administration has taken on Big Pharma to lower prescription drug costs and cap insulin at $35 a month, Big Banks to bring down overdraft fees from $35 to $4, and major airlines to eliminate family seating fees”

    That’s going to save my family exactly $0.00. Thanks Biden!

    3/ banning hidden junk fees and calling on corporations to pass the savings from their reduced costs onto consumers.

    The only HIDDEN junk fee I ever pay is when I buy something that CLEARLY says $4.99, but I end up paying $5.41. WTF? Ohhhhhhhh, government taxes are the only hidden fees. No more taxes??? I can get on board with that!

    4/ Cracking down on unfair pricing.

    Who the hell is forced to buy something that’s unfairly priced?

    5/ Junk Fees. Apparently, according to the memo they’re everywhere. Examples provided: Bait and switch marketing, credit card late payment fees, and airline fees.

    Hmm, that doesn’t seem like “everywhere,” but in any case that will save my family exactly $0.00. Thanks Biden!

    6/ Reduce overdraft fees

    Who the hell is going to “save” money by not being able to pay their debts on time? Thanks again for saving my family exactly $0.00!!

    7/ Slashing credit card late fees

    I smell a theme here. The country is going to get back on track by citizens NOT paying their debts????

    8/ Standing up for consumers against shrinkflation.

    Good lord, the stupidity never ends.

    9/ Countering middlemen who raise prescription drug prices.

    Who’s buying their drugs on the street??

    10/ Promoting competition in healthcare.


    11/ Working with companies to provide millions of consumers with the full price up front

    Uhhhhhhh, so if they tell me the price up front that’s going to save money? How?

    12/ Cracking down on education costs

    Here’s an idea. Stop federal loans and taxes for education and endowments and the prices will come down on their own. Stop telling everyone they aren’t responsible for their student debt.

    I don’t know about you guys, but all that bullshit isn’t going to save me a single penny. Well, I take that back. I will save a boatload if they are serious about #3, no more taxes, aka hidden fees.

    Well, that was fun.

  3. The lies keep coming.
    Expect more grandiose lies from the Biden administration with November in their sights.
    Biden supporters couldn’t face the truth if it were in their household.

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