Psychological warfare is used to make us submissive to their agenda – IOTW Report

Psychological warfare is used to make us submissive to their agenda

The Exposé:

Day by day, the accumulating evidence makes it harder to cling to the naive idea that the upheavals defining our times are simply natural coincidences.

There is a deliberate campaign to instil fear and manipulate us using psychological warfare. The goal is to strip away our ability to think, feel and act freely. To undermine individual autonomy, critical thinking and morality.  To make us submissive to their agenda.

Various techniques are used to influence our thoughts and choices, including addiction to technology, especially among children. Social media platforms are designed to control and influence what people think and say. Platforms such as Telegram become hotbeds for confusion and control. more

13 Comments on Psychological warfare is used to make us submissive to their agenda

  1. What’s sad is we and our ancestors willingly paid for the development of this stuff over the last 70 years or so because we/they were told it would be used against “the enemy”. All the while they always saw US as the enemy. Once they perfected it overseas they are now using it for their end goal – total world domination.
    Think about that.

  2. What has been happening since COVID showed up is not organic. Certainly there has been some happenstance in it but on the whole this accumulation of events is NOT NATURAL. There’s not much for the individual to do but to stay alert and skeptical, arm up and prep up at least a little and be mindful of the types of situations into which one allows oneself.

  3. We need to mske sure our children do not get sucked into the miasma they are creating for the world.

    We may not win, as they have proven the power they wield. However, they underestimate the power of Truth and of Christ.

    Never give up, Never give in.

  4. Anarcho-Tyranny

    “A concept where the state is more interested in controlling citizens so that they don’t oppose managerial class, rather than tending to real criminals. Laws are argued to be enforced selectively depending on what is beneficial to the ruling elite.”

    The two-tiered justice system, the failure of authority to protect citizens by enforcing current laws, wielding oppressive powers (lockdowns, school closures, jailing dissidents) to control the people, and granting immunity to the footsoldiers (ANTIFA, BLM, and FBI stooges) to those that do their bidding.

  5. The article has this statement: The battle is not over land or resources.

    I disagree. It’s always about physical control of land and resources, and for that matter, the oceans as well. In this case it’s control of the entire planet by some very evil people. That means it’s also control of all earth’s resources – which is where the wealth is and includes which resources will be used and more importantly which ones will be forbidden to use, such as oil and gas. As for oceans, control them and you have power over what goods get shipped from one continent to another.

    An entity that controls all land, all oceans, and all resources effectively controls all of humanity. If certain groups object to the New Order, the Lords of the Earth can withhold food and medical supplies.

    The psychological war that’s described is a tool, a method, a process to the objective of achieving the ultimate goal, physical control of everything in the world.

    Ruining people’s mental abilities is a tactic in the war, not the long-term strategy.

  6. I only found out about this series called, “The Fall of the Cabal” just a few weeks ago, dangling out there on the Internet.

    There are two authors from the Netherlands (one has recently died) and this extensive series has already been translated into many languages.

    There are an original ten videos, and then, there is a Sequel of 28 videos all the way up to current times. The Link here shows 26 of the 28 Sequels. They are fairly hard to find, but there are sites floating around with the original 10 Parts, and also the full 28 Sequels.

    Happy hunting!
    Link (for the 26 Parts of the Sequels):


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