Two weeks after the first “covid death” in China, 33 “vaccines” were already in development according to WHO document – IOTW Report

Two weeks after the first “covid death” in China, 33 “vaccines” were already in development according to WHO document

The Exposé

Seventeen days after the first covid death worldwide was reported and before the first “covid death” outside China, the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) published a document that showed 33 covid “vaccines” were already under development.

On 11 January 2020, Chinese state media reported the first known death from an illness caused by a novel virus.  Seventeen days later, on 28 January, WHO published a document showing that 33 covid “vaccines” were in development. more

9 Comments on Two weeks after the first “covid death” in China, 33 “vaccines” were already in development according to WHO document

  1. Will we ever learn the unvarnished truth?
    I had covid December 3rd, 2019.
    Doctors had no clue why I was so ill.

    There were likely a ton of dead chink guinea pigs in the Fall of 2019 when the rat bastards were perfecting their lab-developed masque of the red death…

  2. I’m pretty sure that to have 33 vaccines “in development” just two weeks after the announcement of a virus when the “discoverers” have not provided any samples nor published the genome of that virus is utterly impossible without a secret “get ready” signal that had to include information still being withheld today.

    “You bastards! You killed Kenny! And millions on top of that!”

  3. From Kyle Becker:

    The Covid-19 pandemic was pre-planned. The mRNA vaccine timeline doesn’t add up.

    Dr. Ralph Baric had the RNA “blueprint” for the Wuhan virus.

    The bat/pangolin wet market was a CIA cover story.

    The U.S. government is the American people’s enemy.

    If the U.S. government had benign intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic:

    1. It would have been honest about it being an “accident” by admitting the funding to WIV

    2. It wouldn’t have invented outlandish cover stories about bats, pangolins, and raccoon dogs

    3. It wouldn’t have supported anti-constitutional NPI measures that did nothing to stop spread/lower mortality

    4. It wouldn’t have lied by telling everyone to get the jab (regardless of risk and lack of long-term testing), while implying it magically ‘protects the community’

    5. It wouldn’t have made children wear dehumanizing masks that experts knew from prior Asian pandemics did nothing nothing to stop viruses, but heightened fear response

    6. It would have held China fully accountable for the virus cover-up, which may have cost millions of lives

    7. It wouldn’t have manipulated data, as Dr. Birx admitted occurred in interviews about the response

    8. It wouldn’t have conflated Covid-related mortality and Covid-caused mortality to overstate risk (80% of deaths were elderly; most deaths had serious comorbidities)

    9. It would have explained why the Pentagon/NIH funded the risky gain-of-function research despite bans

    10. It would have raised suspicions about signs of pre-planning, like certain pharmaceutical patents, Event 201, Wuhan Military Games, and PLA stockpiling pandemic supplies

    11. It would have declared the Wuhan virus to be a biological weapons attack

    12. It wouldn’t have kept information secret from President Donald Trump at start of Covid pandemic

  4. Loco – Will we ever learn the unvarnished truth?

    Yes… the puzzle pieces just keep surfacing. With enough puzzle pieces you get a pretty good picture of what’s going on… even if there are still a few missing!

  5. A libtarded neighbor demonstrated the liberal mind virus vis-a-vis RONA vaccines to me this afternoon. I asked a few questions which led her to cognitive dissonance and she suddenly had to run errands.


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