Canada’s Zero-Sum Economy Is Turning Society Ugly – IOTW Report

Canada’s Zero-Sum Economy Is Turning Society Ugly

Plunging housing affordability, declining health-care capacity, surging infrastructure costs, and an economy that has stagnated on a per-person basis are not one-off challenges, but alarming indicators of a country teetering on decline.

17 Comments on Canada’s Zero-Sum Economy Is Turning Society Ugly

  1. Yes, if a man believes the only way HE can get more is to make another man NO more, this WILL lead to an ugly society, as it has EVERY OTHER TIME COMMUNISM HAS BEEN TRIED…

  2. It’s blatantly obvious that the goal of “Zero-Sum” is radical global depopulation via planned famines, disease, economic destruction, and civil strife, and all done in such a way as the global oligarchy can wash their hands of any responsibility for it because, after all, they were just trying to “save the planet”.

  3. In a just world Trudeau would be hog-tied, tarred and feathered, weighed down with a big rock, and thrown into the sea.
    And that’s actually better than he deserves.
    But Trudeau is nothing without the legions of maggots who surround and support him.

    I’m beginning to understand how countries fail – we all sit on our hands hoping someone will come along and make things better while the maggots continue to make things worse.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Tim – basically my reasoning for leaving CA. I knew Gavin was bad, but I also knew that people voted for him because they wanted him. Hell, the entire legislature is awful.

  5. Agreed, Tim.
    We will see come this presidential election.
    ANY way that biden* “wins” will send a clear message that the country is doomed.

    Either they have the ability to cheat with impunity, or if the American voters are that fucking retarded & ignorant, it will tell us all we need to know…

  6. I routinely get these “Best countries for US citizens to retire to” in my news feed, probably because I am looking, and Canada is usually on the list. I generally like Canadians and their country but the culture that I’m looking for, they ain’t it. As a nation, they are much closer to careening past the guardrail and into a fiery explosion than we are. They are less religious, less concerned about preserving civil liberties, and much more accommodating to authority.

    Beautiful country, enjoy it while you can.

  7. “I routinely get these “Best countries for US citizens to retire to” in my news feed, probably because I am looking, and Canada is usually on the list”. WOW, how about digging your heals in a bit and help make America great again.

  8. “WOW, how about digging your heals in a bit and help make America great again.”

    Clowns like you may not make that possible. And, by admission, you admit that under Trump America was great, good for you, now, get all your lib buddies on board and lets make America great again, so I don’t have to get those newsfeed posts.


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