Montreal’s Tuberculosis Crisis: Immigration Blamed as 90% Affected Are Foreign-Born – IOTW Report

Montreal’s Tuberculosis Crisis: Immigration Blamed as 90% Affected Are Foreign-Born

RAIR: Montreal’s tuberculosis crisis, fueled by immigration, starkly exposes the failure of Canada’s left-wing open border policies, jeopardizing the health and safety of Canadians and demanding immediate action to address the risks posed by unchecked migration.

Montreal, March 14, 2024 – The recent surge in tuberculosis (TB) cases in Montreal has ignited further concerns about the impact of immigration on public health, raising fears that Canadians’ lives are at risk. With experts warning of a potential resurgence of the disease in the city, attention is turning to the implications of mass migration on healthcare and community well-being. more

14 Comments on Montreal’s Tuberculosis Crisis: Immigration Blamed as 90% Affected Are Foreign-Born

  1. I still remember the Sanatoriums from when I was little.
    Would stand outside and wave at the people I knew. There was no hope for a cure at that time. It wasn’t until the 1940’s when streptomycin was made that it could cure tuberculosis. To remember how these folks suffered was just pure torture. I was lucky to see many of my friends walk out cured, the older ones were too far debilitated to be released. So, here we are with tuberculosis again. But not only that, drug resistant tuberculosis. These infected people need to be hired and placed in our government offices. That will be the fastest way to close the border

  2. …If you want to see a stark difference between previous and current attitudes about contagious diseases, watch 1945’s “The Bells Of St. Mary’s” to the end, paying particular attention to what the Ingrid Bergman character is, does, and is treated by others…

    …for free,

    …and watch it anyway, it’s a great movie, PLUS you get to see Bing Crosby as a Catholic priest and Ingrid Bergman as a nun, and see how they are good enough actors to make you BELIEVE it…

  3. The Western white leadership caste is completely insane. All of them are fully dedicated to turning their societies into turd world shitholes to house all the worst castoffs from every non-white country on Earth.

  4. Hey, at least the canuks are admitting there is a problem and what caused it. Here in the US, the government/health industrial complex will hide it until we are all infected.

  5. “Montreal’s Tuberculosis Crisis: Immigration Blamed as 90% Affected Are Foreign-Born”

    Not a “crisis.” As they say in computerland: Not a bug; a feature.

    Trudeau and his maggots are bringing War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death to Canada (not necessarily in that order).
    And the Canadians embrace the suck – as do Californians, Oregonians, Washingtonians, Massholes, &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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