Medicaid and Medicare Remain Biggest Culprits for Improper Payments – IOTW Report

Medicaid and Medicare Remain Biggest Culprits for Improper Payments

GP: The federal government spent $236 billion on improper payments in 2023, according to a recent audit from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Medicaid and Medicare were responsible for $101.5 billion of the payments (43%). Auditors at OpenTheBooks have continuously warned about financial mismanagement at the two agencies, most recently publishing an oversight report in 2023. more

2 Comments on Medicaid and Medicare Remain Biggest Culprits for Improper Payments

  1. “The federal government spent $236 billion on improper payments in 2023”

    Yeah, right. I guess they have a different definition of “improper” than I do.

    ALL the monies that go to foreign aid, illegal aliens, dumb-ass renewable energy subsides, and all welfare without work requirements, these are all improper to me. Not to mention 90% of all government programs and two thirds of all government employees.

    There are no fiscal hawks in Congress anymore; the Club for Growth, Freedom Caucus and whatever is left of the Tea Party, they have all surrendered and gone home.


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