Arresting, Wiring, and Walling Continuing – IOTW Report

Arresting, Wiring, and Walling Continuing

23 Comments on Arresting, Wiring, and Walling Continuing

  1. This just in, China coming to America.
    Notice from mortgage company.
    Section M.3.b. (Authorization): This section was updated to simplify language concerning your authorization for your wireless carrier to use and disclose to ??? Bank information regarding your wireless account and device. This may include information such as your name, address, phone number, and network status.

    Section M.28. (Your Conduct and Indemnity): This section was updated to clarify user conduct expectations.

  2. Barn door , horses, some assembly required.

    Yes, I know, you’ve got to stop the flow before you make them go, but it’s all so depressing and infuriating that we are at this point. And it’s still whack-a-mole as long as our government doesn’t do its main job.

  3. For the Federal Government, in general…

    The primary game is: stay out of jail.

    The secondary game is: keep fooling all the dumb voters.

    The backup plan is: keep the voters dumb with illegal aliens who will keep you in office and out of jail!

    That’s it. And that’s all it is. What do I win?

  4. Cloward-Piven
    Their plan is meant to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the entitlement system, pushing society into an economic crisis and collapse, paving the road to socialism which will lead to communism according to Karl Marx. That of course will weaken the masses produce another “blood bath” which will wipe out millions of people as it did during the twentieth century.

    The open border strategy of the left is part of that same plan to destroy America.
    Economic bankruptcy is product of moral bankruptcy.

  5. SCOTUS said biden* couldn’t use govt to cancel student loans.
    Seems to me “fuck you SCOTUS” can go both ways now.

    If SCOTUS had any balls they would have rained down hell-fire when protestor scum was allowed to raise hell in their neighborhood.

  6. Agreed Brad.
    Comments on Twitter about that:
    “How can someone who is not a citizen posses a right granted to them by a constitution that was written for citizens of that country?”

    “Weird, because we didn’t charge you with the first crime you committed we won’t charge you with this one either.”

  7. Loco

    On top of that, if you check Illegal MoFo on form 4473, most FFLs won’t even process it. Tsunami and I both started hearing reports of illegals getting exemptions from the ATF to purchase a fire arms a couple weeks ago. What The Fuck? That story does everything but confirm those rumors. It also confirms our masters don’t hate guns. They just hate the fact that we have guns.
    Fun Fun.


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