NYC neighborhood in AOC’s district blasted as ‘third world’ – IOTW Report

NYC neighborhood in AOC’s district blasted as ‘third world’

NYP: A Queens neighborhood in New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s congressional district was likened by locals to a “third world” country with people selling goods on the sidewalks and prostitutes openly soliciting sex.

The widely vibrant and diverse communities of Corona, Jackson Heights and Elmhurst in northwestern Queens appear to have descended into an open flea market, according to video obtained by Fox News.

Local resident Ramses Frías, a Democrat-turned-Republican who is running for the Assembly District 39 seat to clean up his community’s streets, filmed blocks and blocks of illegal vendors selling clothes, sneakers, toys and snacks. more

18 Comments on NYC neighborhood in AOC’s district blasted as ‘third world’

  1. reminds me of the streets of Caracas circa early Chavez. Of course late to middle Chavez, no one had anything to sell. A time to kill comes before a time to heal in the Bible

  2. ““This is what happens when you create an atmosphere that people can’t provide for themselves — you can’t work, you can’t provide for your job and have to turn to illegal activities to do so,” the mayor told reporters following January’s brothel crackdown.”

    A very accurate depiction of socialist/communist shitholes coming to a street corner near you.

  3. New Yorkers are not capable of learning. They deserve all the chaos that comes their way. They thought all of the illegal invaders would remain in Texas and they were alright with that. Screw those rotten bastards. God bless Governor Abbott.

  4. In Ecuador, which already had its own problems when the Left took control of the country 15ish years ago, immigration laws were adjusted to create an open border for members of the Latin American Socialist bloc.

    Cubans were the first wave, which was tolerated fairly well, then the Venezuelans began to pour in, thousands every day…into a total population of only 12 million (now 19 million) There were not enough jobs, housing or services to cope with them. At the same time, drug possession and “micro” dealing were decriminalized, along with a general deterioration of the justice system that enabled the exponential growth of organized crime.

    The cities became filled with homeless criminal, drug and alcohol addled vagrants, matching the worst of LA, San Francisco and Seattle.

    Since Biden, the pressure has gone down a bit, as many economic migrants have moved on to the US, and as the crime war heated up, many families have returned to Venezuela. Better to suffer in a hell you are familiar with.

    The new center-right populist government is following Bukele’s lead and now the hard-core criminals are also headed to the US.

    The Left know how to destroy a country, or rather, break/domesticate a country.

    Illegals and refugees have been transported here to Utah for a few years now. The State’s leaders want them because they can fill the empty cheap-crap spec apartments that seem to pop up like acne throughout the valley and keep wages suppressed while magically pushing prices sky high.

    Now that the weather is improving, the ever present roadside markets are returning to every major street and intersection. It’ a nice complement to the ever present beggars/panhandlers. There was a young family out begging yesterday. I have tried for several years to interest a legislator into sponsoring a bill banning the use of children as props for panhandling. Absolutely no interest whatsoever.

    Just before I got home and finished writing this, I drove by an old homeless drunk stumbling along with the quintessential bottle wrapped in a paper bag in his hand, looking for a place to crash. We are five miles from downtown, but the County built a single men’s shelter a mile away. Thanks Democrats and your willing dupe Republicans.

  5. A resident went up to a street fruit vendor in AOC’s Brooklyn congressional district and asked the vendor if he had any bananas.

    The vendor replied: Yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas today.

    Or….maybe that happened in the 1920’s? Hmmmmm….

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