Eric Clapton drummer spiraled with schizophrenia before murdering his mother: ‘A nightmare on two feet’ – IOTW Report

Eric Clapton drummer spiraled with schizophrenia before murdering his mother: ‘A nightmare on two feet’


In June 1983, Jim Gordon had enough of the voices in his head.

One night, the musician drove to his mother’s Los Angeles home, took his hammer and struck the 71-year-old on the head four times. Osa Gordon crumbled to the floor but was conscious. Realizing this, Gordon then grabbed his knife and stabbed her four times in the heart. The matriarch died instantly.

“Jim Gordon had long been deteriorating,” author Joel Selvin told Fox News Digital. “He was really struggling to function. During this same period, he was playing in a band with a bunch of younger musicians. They had no idea something was wrong with Jim.” more

7 Comments on Eric Clapton drummer spiraled with schizophrenia before murdering his mother: ‘A nightmare on two feet’

  1. The child actor that played Anikan Skywalker went off his meds and landed up having a “psychotic break.” I was going to post it last week but figured he’d suffered enough already.

    I post this here to wonder if mental problems in entertainment come is part of the price paid and only the unwell would choose a career in that field.


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