Grid Operator Warns Deep Blue States Their Plan to Rely on Solar and Wind Batteries Has a Fatal Flaw – IOTW Report

Grid Operator Warns Deep Blue States Their Plan to Rely on Solar and Wind Batteries Has a Fatal Flaw

(DCNF)—The Independent System Operator-New England (ISO-NE) is warning that the batteries pushed by blue states in the region to prepare the grid for increased solar and wind generation may have significant trouble recharging in low temperatures.

The grid operator could end up spending about $1 billion each year on transmission until 2050 to prepare the grid for the green transition being pushed by deep blue states in the region like Massachusetts and Connecticut, according to ISO-NE’s 2050 Transmission Study. Battery systems comprise about 45% of ISO-NE’s in-progress transmission projects, but ISO-NE warned in its Regional Electricity Outlook that the batteries could “struggle to recharge during the winter months.” more

25 Comments on Grid Operator Warns Deep Blue States Their Plan to Rely on Solar and Wind Batteries Has a Fatal Flaw

  1. Solar power, batteries and electric vehicles.

    Top it off with chew-chew trains and you’ve got Liberal Nirvana. Unsustainable, sure, but they’re happy… for awhile …and then, let’s raise taxes to fix it!!

    Fuck the fucking fuckers. Nuke it from orbit.

  2. They have a TON of these things through out California. The wife and I passed a bazillion of them on our little road trip last week. At one point in time she says to me, why aren’t these things ever spinning? We were passing fields of 500 to 1000 of these big ass fans. At most, 50 were spinning. That’s the way it always is.

  3. Batteries are good for 5 years, 10 at most, then they’re done. Changing those big assed battery arrays is going to be EXTREMELY expensive, IF the battery OEM is still making them by then which is FAR from sure, not to mention how much fun there’s going to be disposing of those highly toxic, useless cores…

  4. My daughter’s father-in-law has a small farm in Padukah, Kentucky that a company wants to build a solar farm and is attempting to buy up land around his farm and wants to fill all that acreage with a solar farm. My daughter’s mother-in-law is lawyer and they’re trying to figure out ways right now to stop this unnecessary and unneeded development on perfectly good Kentucky farmland. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen and is concerned about this idiotic development. I think that all the local farmers need to file a class action lawsuit and get an injunction against this proposal, but we’ll see what happens. Solar farms would be a bigger mistake than wind farms in my opinion since it’s still an unproven and very expensive technology. If that makes her and her in laws and the rest of the farmers in that area Luddites, so be it.

  5. I remember a study a while back about batteries powering the grid assuming it were entirely solar and wind. The study concluded that if you were able to somehow connect every single battery in the country to the grid and turn off all power generation at the same time, all battery power would operate the grid for approximately 4 seconds before being completely drained. The capacity doesn’t exist and it’s a much bigger undertaking than any of these idiots realize; it’s not practical or feasible.

    Also, what about off-peak usage? Right now they want you to charge your car and run your appliances at night. Guess what doesn’t blow or shine at night? If you do it during the day, there’s not enough excess generation to charge batteries.

  6. Anonymous
    WEDNESDAY, 20 MARCH 2024, 12:24 AT 12:24 PM
    “It’s the people not pushing back that’s the problem. Americans seem to take whatever their elected officials ram down their throats.”

    When being gang raped at gunpoint by the cops as your fellow citizens hurry be, grateful that it’s not THEM yet, there’s not a lot you can do about what gets rammed where but bite, and even THAT you can only do once before they beat you unconscious if not kill you outright…

  7. The earth has been storing solar energy for millennia in the form of coal, oil and natural gas.
    We don’t need to build bigger batteries. We’re living on a big beautiful natural battery.

  8. Battery storage is a non-starter. Won’t work, can’t work with current–or even foreseeable–technology. Further, the estimates of how much storage capacity will be needed have been grossly underestimated and will require many, many more dollars and much more land. All to build something that won’t work.

  9. I was reading an article a while back (wish I could remember where) about battery storage for the grid. Batteries are DC and will require inverters to connect to the AC grid. Same with solar panels. A problem arises with trying to sync all the numerous inverters, especially when one or more is off frequency. Basically it’s destabilizing the grid and could lead to domino effect crashes.


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