Campaign Finance: The Adam Kinzinger Edition – IOTW Report

Campaign Finance: The Adam Kinzinger Edition

Have you ever wondered what becomes of socially awkward politicians with no marketable skills, aside from crying on cue, when they are gerrymandered out of public office? Better yet, do you ever wonder what happens to all the leftover campaign $$ they bilked out of pussy-hat wearing cat ladies in the name of saving our Democracy™? If the answer is yes, this one’s for you! – @Villgecrazylady.

11 Comments on Campaign Finance: The Adam Kinzinger Edition

  1. Man I’m old. There’s like me and dirt. If I ever ran into this pussy walking down the street, I’d beat his ass to a pulp. And his family would thank me for it. How in Gods green earth do you become such a loser? Oh yea, money.

  2. He helps AOC understand criminal Rico acts….Did you see that episode with AOC?……

    We all know some of these people…..My Dad’s second wife had 4 daughters and they would take a pen and click it on their teeth like they were coming up with a great, significant, imaginative thought, but the rest of us just saw a hamster caught in the wheel….Pretty much explains 50 years of Biden….

  3. Kinzinger is nothing but an evil shithead that has betrayed the US constitution, the Bill of rights, and every law protecting the citizen of the USA. Don’t see how those dumb fvck voters elected him in the first place.

  4. sourpuss

    Hes a “Bush Republican”..The “R” fooled many onto think he did not htae Americans; which he clearly does.
    Gerrymander is an excuse. 50 years ago my local Rep ( a conservative) got Gerrymandered. So he moved few mies and got to keep a seat in the House.

    Leftist Adam does not have backing from “R” voters and if he pulls a “Im a proud Bush Republican” Charley Criss he may find he has none in the other UNIPARTH either.

    Bush Republican Criss has won many Fla elections as a “D” the last 20 years. But when refaces a non Bush “republican he hgeneraly loses.
    Same wit Bush Republican that used dumb, rich moron Sen to Bork
    Bork. I refer to the Sen the Ropnny hating ‘bushes gave 3 Senate Chmshps SNARLEN ARLEN!
    Arlen used the rich moron to BORk Bork. He openly backed GWB’s Acolyte an changed to D. Like Adam he had not folk there. Lost

    For this too young to know Bork The rich dumb guy “Bush Republicans” used is now a dumb “President”. Thanks to GWB’s DOMINION. Just as dumb now as he ws 37 years go. may be richer.


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