Former WA State Democrat Operative Blows the Whistle – IOTW Report

Former WA State Democrat Operative Blows the Whistle


Guest post by Bill Bruch at All Things Politics

David Spring is a former leader of the Washington State Democratic Party. He was the East King County Representative to the King County Central Committee and Training Advisor for King County Democrats – where he taught hundreds of volunteers how to run political campaigns using the Democratic Database called Votebuilder.

Spring was on the Board of the WA Progressive Caucus – which is the largest caucus in the WA Democratic Party and ran the WA for Bernie Sanders website, where he published articles and videos teaching thousands of Sanders supporters (most of whom had never been Democrats) how to take over the Democrat party. As a result, in 2016 WA state had the highest percentage of Bernie delegates of any state in the nation.

Spring was taken out of the Democratic Party for exposing a million-dollar bribe given by the leaders of the State Democrats to a Republican State Senator which induced her to drop out of the State Senate and endorse her Dem Party opponent. more

15 Comments on Former WA State Democrat Operative Blows the Whistle

  1. Too late the leftist fools realize that it’s not the Republicans they’re fighting. It’s not even their fellow Democrats and Socialists. It’s the fascist Uniparty. Now the only question is what are THEY going to do about OUR common problem.

    Good conservatives have been fighting the Uniparty alone for a while now. Can we break bread with good faith political opponents and take out the Uniparty trash? It’s killing us.

  2. HOPE ?
    What will become of this after nearly 4 years of seeing documented election corruption in numerous states and hundreds of precincts?

    As stated by the Author of this article, Bill Bruch, “Because of committed Truth Seekers and Truth Tellers like David Spring, we all have hope!”
    Not so fast David !

    The “Hope” I had was based upon clear and factual documentation. Facts tell the non-partisan story and integrity is its result. The US Public was lied to.

    The Parrots in Congress, State’s Election commissions, media, DNC, RNC, District Courts and Supreme Court have done nothing but reflect the propaganda disseminated by the intelligence community, FBI, Media, Congress and DNC. They either remained silent (Supreme Court) or were in chorus repeating the lies of election integrity and that Joe Biden was a clear victor in 2020.

    My HOPE was dashed by Pence, Ryan, McCarthy, a do nothing GOP Congress, the failed RNC led by Ronna McDaniel, GOP deep state’s US Senators and House members confirming Biden’s Victory without an investigation of the facts.

    I have little HOPE that a clean and fair election will occur in 2024. I expect the the above co-conspirators will repeat their corruption and again thwart the will of the US Voting Public.

  3. OK we all know they cheated in 2020 and 2022. We all know they’re going to cheat again. I see story after story confirming the fact, but I never hear any ideas on how to stop it.
    So, guess what? They’re going to cheat again in November.

  4. This all started 20 years ago when Chistine Gregoire stole the Wash. state governor’s election from Dino Rossi. You can’t tell me that all those ballots supposedly found in the trunk of a car in Seattle with all of the same addresses were not pure outright fraud. I hate the democraps, both at the state and federal levels, they’ll do anything to retain their power including outright, blatant, in your face election theft.

  5. geoff – I think it started more than 20 years ago. Remember the hanging chads in 2000?
    And I’m sure they started long before that. They have been perfecting election stealing tactics for decades, then along came computers and the internet which has given them an exponential boost in capability to the point where now they can flaunt the law and ignore the Constitution without fear of prosecution or subsequent consequences. A true Communist state!

  6. I won’t lose hope, because it’s not in anyone on this earth. We all knew what would happen when our society kicked God out of every corner of our lives. School, government, industry, etc.

    He is doing to us what he did to Israel in the Old Testament. They were giving their children to Baal and Moloch in ritual sacrifices, worshiping god of stone and wood, and doing even more despicable things.

    When they repented and turned back to him, he healed them and their land:

    2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    I have been praying for this for our nation since before Obama. I place my hope in God.

  7. My Cousin in Washington was one of those delegates for Bernie. She is a fat pink haired High School teacher so one could figure it out by looks alone. She is definitely the outcast at reunions.

  8. Washington State Demo Party Chief Mr. Ed Warpe on a secure line to a certain person in Arkansas: Good evening Ms. (Redacted). Let me explain the reason for my call. We have a difficult situation up here in Olympia. A certain person is being quite obnoxious and hard to make a deal with. He needs special handling and we heard that you are an expert in those special situations…are we right?

    Ms. Redacted: Why yes, I believe you have the right person. How can I help?

    Ed Warpe: Well, we need him to just go away and never come back again. You understand what I’m talking about, right?

    Ms. Redacted: Oh, of course I do. I get these kind of requests all the time. But my services don’t come cheap you understand?

    Ed Warpe: Yes, we fully understand that. We are willing to pay well into the 7-figures. It’s already in our budget.

    Ms. Redacted: Very nice, you are thinking ahead. I will let you know my price, including all incidentals, shortly. When do you want the job completed?

    Ed Warpe: Heh! yesterday…but really, within a week, say by next Thursday. Can you do that?

    Ms. Redacted (checking schedule): Yes, I can do the job by next Thursday. I will privately courier my requirements to you. You should get them tonight.

    Ed Warpe: Excellent, excellent Ms. Redacted. We look forward so much to working with you. We will send you more information over this secure line. Thank you, bless you, and have a wonderful evening.


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