FL Reps urging Biden to send U.S. Navy to intercept Haitians after 3,700 prisoners released – IOTW Report

FL Reps urging Biden to send U.S. Navy to intercept Haitians after 3,700 prisoners released

Sara Carter:

The aftermath of Haitian gangs storming its prisons and freeing approximately 3,700 inmates has become problematic for the United States. Florida leaders are urging President Joe Biden to utilize the United States Navy in order to intercept Haitians attempting to enter the country by sea.

Haiti is descending “into anarchy” as the “Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry has since resigned and there is no effective government in the country at present” reports Just the News.

The group of House Republicans representing Florida include Matt Gaetz, Gus Biliarakis, Anna Paulina Luna, and Daniel Webster. They have urged Biden to declare an “anticipated mass migration of aliens en route to, or arriving off the coast of, the United States,” to be a situation necessitating federal action. Such a move, they said, is “necessary to reinforce the State of Florida’s efforts by utilizing Department of Defense vessels to conduct maritime interdictions and interceptions of aliens from Haiti and repatriate them.” more

13 Comments on FL Reps urging Biden to send U.S. Navy to intercept Haitians after 3,700 prisoners released

  1. Heck, Biden gave money to the gang leader, Barbecue, to break them out of prison so they can bring their murderous hides to Florida. Biden provided them the boats, too.

    Don’t believe me? What do you think that $1.2 TRILLION bill the House just passed (Dump Johnson!) is going to be used for?

  2. ^^^^^^^^
    They are decreasing defense spending at a time when we are literally out of bullets. Who’s best interest are these people serving? It certainly isn’t ours.

  3. DeSantis, along with the Coast Guard needs to enlist the use of all commercial fishing boats in Florida with 3 National Guard on each vessel to keep a 24 hour watch. Have them provided with shoulder-launched missiles. Any flotilla boat encountered needs to be set to “Davey Jones Locker” After a few weeks, there will be no more flotillas.Pay the fishing vessels for fuel / labor/ and catch income based on the same time period a year ago. This would be cheaper than using military vessels and the Haitians wouldn’t know what hit them until it was over.

  4. Just another part of Biden’s handlers and Obama to “fundamentally change America”. I saw where our government is providing large inflatables for their journey. Don’t expect help stopping this. We are being overrun intentionally. Citizens should prepare accordingly for the invasion. Americans have no idea of the brutality people storming our borders are capable of.


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