Have a Scroll – IOTW Report

9 Comments on Have a Scroll

  1. Beachmom, you’re right. And it would take a multiple part interview, and it still wouldn’t cover everything this guy has dug up. Plus if Tucker is interviewing him he will probably be sitting down. He always sounds winded when he’s walking around talking.

  2. In the second video of Cleveland with the tower in back…
    When I was about 11 years old my dad took me to the top of the Erieview Plaza Tower when it was about 3/4 of the way complete (or so). Yes we were walking around on bare concrete with bare vertical girders. A precious memory of looking around Cleveland with nothing in the way!
    He was one of the Architects involved in the design.

  3. For anyone interested in further digging, the relationship between CIA officer Platt and the soviets is detailed in a book titled The Best of Enemies. DeNiro is mentioned quite often.

  4. I thought that DeNiro’s statements about Trump coming after him were a bit ridiculous. Turns our his fear of Trump might be justified. All TRAITOROUS BASTARDS fear him.


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