Hollywood Is Very Unhappy – IOTW Report

Hollywood Is Very Unhappy

See why, here.

43 Comments on Hollywood Is Very Unhappy

  1. Maybe they can all get together and produce a TV show about their collective trauma. Call it “Deadwood”.

    Yeah, I know that idea and title have been used before, but when has that ever stopped them?

  2. Oh, cry me a river.

    Seriously, maybe hard times will give them another perspective. Then again, maybe not. Everybody, put your hands over your ears, move them in and out quickly and say LA LA LA LA LA. Block these whiners out.

  3. A few of them could do Only Fans and the “men” can dress up like trannies & Blow Domes for Cash.

    Lord Knows they wont lower themselves do a Trade Like Plumbing, Hvac, or Roofing…

  4. You Hollywood guys like remakes, right?

    Redo Casablanca, but with President Trump as Victor Laslo (put in a concentration camp because he was too inspirstional, but escaped and now the Nazis are desperately trying to imprison him again), Mike Pence as Ivonne who wants to sleep with Nazis because Rick rejected her, the US Military as Captain Renault (the police chief corrupted by events when his own government surrendered to the Nazis, reluctantly doing his duty but only needs a spark to fight on the side of the angels), and the Anerican People as Rick (hard bitten, cynical after watching Nazis roll over everything, reduced to trying to get by but will kill to get right man to where he can inspire others to overcome them), and Joe Biden as the angry Nazi Strasser, willing to do ANYTHING without morals or compunction that his masters tell him to do with as much force as he can muster, until capped by Rick after being fooled one final time).

    I haven’t decided who to cast as the ingenue Ilse Lund (Ingrid Bergman), however. of anyone has any thoughts I’d appreciate it so we can get this project off the GROUND.

    But I would watch that movie just for the ending. The part where Rick caps Strasser so Victor can go on to inspire the world, and Renault joins him in the fight against Nazis. See my cast list for what makes that scene in that version of Casablanca great.

    Try something like THAT, Hollywood..
    Maybe then, you jesters could EARN your bread again…


  5. And not one of them has learned anything from this.
    They won’t admit they have gone woke and the people won’t buy it, they only do remakes and badly with race and gender replacement.
    Most of all they have for fifty plus years pushed the leftist, commie, perverted agenda of godless tyrants and now that those policies are backfiring they are still too blind to see.
    They helped destroy the culture of the world.
    They have bad mouthed conservatives, family values, etc and now they’re whining about jobs and keeping food on the table for their families.
    Go flip some burgers or something.
    They won’t. They see themselves as too educated and too above that.

  6. To Hollywoke: Stop voting for Liberals you stupid MFers. Stop advancing the liberal garbage. You got what you voted for.

    If the rest of us, who work two jobs, can’t afford to put food on the table, how do you expect us to spend money on your dreck

  7. You guys are unhappy that the Communists you provided so much voting and propaganda support to are casting you useful idiots aside now that your woke bullshit no longer flys?

    I know, why don’t you write that up for your next screenplay.

    Then kiss my ass and call it a love story.

  8. THIS is what you GET when you HATE your AUDIENCE and HALF of America by insisting on pushing the WOKE AGENDA on us! Go JUMP in the LAKE! NOBODY CARES. GO WOKE, GO BROKE. Payback is a BITCH!

  9. Dear HollyWeird,
    FOR BEHOLD MY FIELD OF …….well, I think you know the rest by now.
    If you’d just learned a useful STEM skill to begin with, that people NEED (vs “want if they can afford it”), instead of jumping on the Entertainment Train that’s subject to every economic fluctuation (up AND down)……if you did that, you might not be the pathetic DildoCrat snowflake whiners that we see today.

  10. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time that the industry’s highly paid actors, who have made $10’s of Millions of dollars, will be in line to help you out. You know, “we’re all in this together”.

    PS: Don’t hold your breath.

  11. Nothing people doing nothing jobs depending on pleasing the sensibilities of both the bunch of queers they work for and a public they’re completely alienated from and unfamiliar with.

    Highly capable people in utterly useless ‘professional’ positions. Much like some military specialties just utterly incompatible with any other occupational endeavor. Learn to code? Suck more? There is an alternative that involves making product the public wants but that involves the queers they work for and those perverts aren’t going to listen to anything like reason. Too bad so sad. There’s lots of work out there if you aren’t too proud to do something useful.

  12. Harry, you’re onto something with the shoe polish comment. They are all white. Wanna bet many of them got replaced by “people of color”? Wanna bet they keep voting for more of the same?

  13. Health care is hiring. Gotta start from the bottom up which is working as a CNA which shouldn’t be a stretch after all the bullshit Hollywood has been shoveling

  14. Here’s an idea, Hollywierd proletariat proglodytes, go on another strike. It worked so well before. – sarc. Even your studio overlords are laughing at you. They’ve got AI now.
    Now that the thin veneer of wokeness has been washed away by reality, Conservative values; God, family, work ethics and industry integrity become priority.
    FYI,gender bending, DEI, God hating themed entertainment you’ve produced are the reasons why you’re broke.
    Well, wokesters if you haven’t notice the leftist Utopian well of has always run dry. Time to stop pushing woke crap.

  15. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay
    MONDAY, 25 MARCH 2024, 11:52 AT 11:52 AM
    “Health care is hiring. Gotta start from the bottom up which is working as a CNA which shouldn’t be a stretch after all the bullshit Hollywood has been shoveling”

    …at first I thought about how horrible it would be to have to depend on ANY of those happy assholes in ANY life-or-death capacity.

    But then I think about how they used Obamacare, corporatization, and the Jab to chase most of the competent people out of medicine while attacking those that actually wanted to PRACTICE it; those hospital cosplayers that nearly killed my son, misdiagnosed my mother, killed my co-workers and sometimes their babies with a medical experiment; cowered behind masks they KNEW wouldn’t do shit because, politics; postponed my knee surgery because, politics; danced for the camera while their elderly patients were housed with Coof patients to make them die sooner, and suddenly I’m gripped with the fear that a skunk-haired failed teevee producer given sketchy medical training by a DEI hire would actually NOT be any WORSE…

  16. Good. Let it stay unhappy. The bastard-sucks can all go cry in their martinis at the Beverly Wilshire.

    The women, and some men, who dress for the Oscars remind me of the line from the 1960’s Monkees hit, I’m Not Your Stepping Stone: “The Clothes You Wear Girl Would Cause a Public Scene”.

    Still, I heard some idiot man came out totally bear-assed nekked the last one. Why, I asked my wife, who watches all that junk. She shrugged – she had no idea. Reminiscent of the “streaker” who ran by David Niven in 1974.

    That’s worse than all the ill-dressed women who ever showed up at the Oscars shit show.


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