FDA Forced to Remove False Claims about Ivermectin from Social Media: ‘Blood on Its Hands’ – IOTW Report

FDA Forced to Remove False Claims about Ivermectin from Social Media: ‘Blood on Its Hands’

Democrat President Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been forced to remove social media posts that contain false anti-ivermectin claims.

After losing its legal battle against ivermectin, the FDA has agreed to remove webpages and its social media posts urging people to avoid the usage of the drug for Covid treatment.

The FDA has already taken down a page that stated:

“Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? No.”

It will also delete posts, including one that reads:

“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

According to a settlement agreement filed with the federal court in Southern Texas, the FDA will also remove another page titled: “Why you should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19”

The page must be removed within 21 days.” more here

28 Comments on FDA Forced to Remove False Claims about Ivermectin from Social Media: ‘Blood on Its Hands’

  1. “The page must be removed within 21 days.”

    …Fuckbook, et.al., will take your questioning of the “approved” Soience! down IMMEDIATELY.

    Why give THESE lying, conniving, genocidal, tyrannical murderous twats 21 days to CONTINUE to lie as it DEMOSTRABLY may cause some people further harm?

    …I sure am sick of living under a dual rule system.

    Sure would be nice if EVERYONE was.

  2. The damage is already done. You’ll still be labeled a conspiracy nut, including from just about any doctor you go to, by merely suggesting ivermectin outside of animal use.

  3. Soooo……how soon will I be able to go into a Big Box Store (WalMart, Walgreen, CVS, etc) and buy people Ivermectin OTC (vs thru a pharmacist), instead of having to go to a feedlot store (IFA, et al) and buying horse Ivermectin?

  4. And the killers are still working for the US taxpayers. Scam. They went before congress and lied with smiles on their faces and blood on their hands. Telling the fake story that not using it was based on information they had at the time. BS BS on BS.

  5. The Ivermectin & hydroxychloquin (sp?) deniers were essential to pushing the jabs’ EUA narrative. Oh, and billions of dollars into the corporate pockets. With 10% for the short guy.

    Despite the Constitutional prohibition on “unusual punishmemt” I’m thinking “hung, drawn, and quartered” is in order for the governmemt and industrial prevaricators.

  6. Those who promoted, profited, lied, forced people to take the jab or participated in this absolute scam are murderers. It has completely destroyed whatever faith people had in the healthcare system and their doctors. It goes without saying that any thinking person had no faith or trust in the government to begin with. Truth is a rare commodity in America today.

  7. The feds disinformed the public about Ivermectin because the usual ruling caste scumbags wanted to horde it all for themselves. Later, they wanted the public to get poisoned by the MRNA beta poison.

  8. EVERYONE responsible and EVERYONE who furthered the lie (censors, MSM, etc.) MUST face charges and punishment for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY upon conviction. NO OTHER WAY. Same goes for Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, zinc, and all the rest of the PROVEN treatments that were ACTIVELY SUPPRESSED and demonized ALL to ensure that there were “no viable alternative treatments” for COVID so the FDA could give them the EUA and the $TRILLIONS that followed (not to mention all the genocide).

  9. There needs to be bodies swinging from lamp-posts — and a lot of them — before I’ll consider forgiving these bastards for what they’ve done. It wasn’t a mistake, it wasn’t an accident, they didn’t mumble — it was a deliberate move done to remove an effective anti-viral from consideration so that The Jab (TM) could be authorized.


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