Trump’s $454 million bond has been reduced to $175 million – IOTW Report

Trump’s $454 million bond has been reduced to $175 million


BREAKING: Donald Trump’s $454 million bond has been reduced to $175 million thanks to a New York appeals court ruling. The ruling is a massive win for Trump, saving him from potential financial disaster. The new bond will stop Attorney General Letitia James from collecting the judgement during Trump’s appeal (NYT). Trump now has 10 days to secure the bond meaning his bank accounts and properties are safe for now.

19 Comments on Trump’s $454 million bond has been reduced to $175 million

  1. So who does the thief DA go after next, must have a long list of people she can bleed. Be sure to thank Albany leadership to allow the robbery to happen, just by looking the other way.

  2. Say What?
    There’s another word that might be used in the place of “jig”, but it might get me into hot HOT water. Sooooo…..I won’t use/say it. Use your imagination.

  3. “…meaning his bank accounts and properties are safe for now.”

    …This is NOT true.

    Not for HIM, not for ANYBODY.

    …if you think “your” property is safe, try;
    .Not paying property taxes to the State.

    .Doing whatever you want with it without petitioning the State.

    .Selling or renting it to people based on your personal opinion of them and nothing else.

    .Fencing it off and refusing to allow Government representatives access to it.

    .Give the bank your best estimated value of it for the purposes of a loan, accepting their Due Diligences valuation to get the loan, and paying back that loan without getting a multimillion dollar judgement against you that you need to spend millions MORE in unrecoverable legal fees just to APPEAL as the DEI prosecutor has unlimited funds to persecute you with and you do NOT (Donald Trump ONLY-for now).

    …see, not so much “yours”, is it? You don’t REALLY think the Communists can’t cone on your land whenever they like, shoot your dog, shoot your wife without warning while she’s holding your baby, and take everything including your children’s lives from you, DO you?

    And what do you think will STOP them?

    …and as far as bank accounts go, you all know damn well that they can freeze, seize, and refuse to handle your business for political wrongthink at any time, so I won’t insult you by covering that again.

    They can even take your gold and make it a felony to have it any time they please. See FDR and his Democrat regime for further details.

    …no, “his” property is NOT safe, nor is anyone else’s as long as a Communist still draws breath.

    Our Founders told us how to deal with that.

    Until we act on their advice, everything we own is considered the property of the State, they’re just letting us use it as long as it benefits THEM…

  4. Bravo, SNS! You are correct. We live in a soft tyranny and NOTHING is safe – your property, your freedoms and even your life. You can be disappeared, killed or imprisoned at their pleasure without recourse. There is no rule of law or equal protection.

  5. It’s still a fucking travesty. Bernie Madoff got a $10 million bond to stay out of jail while appealing his felony criminal conviction of scamming billions from thousands of people who couldn’t afford to lose that money.

    Trump paid off a loan in full and on time, and got fined a half billion dollars for it. He was then given an absurdly high bond in an effort to steal his property. The democrats are evil bolshevik scumbags whose leaders all deserve to hang.


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