Russian Forces Hook 80v Battery To Terrorists’ Genitals – IOTW Report

Russian Forces Hook 80v Battery To Terrorists’ Genitals

VLAD THE TORTURER: Russian Forces Hook 80v Battery To Terrorists’ Genitals, Feed Another His Own Ear, and Terror Suspects Hauled Before Court (One Unconscious).

35 Comments on Russian Forces Hook 80v Battery To Terrorists’ Genitals

  1. Make their journey to “Paradise” as painful as possible!
    Use the largest Alligator clips you can find while yer at it!

    “Cruel and unusual punishment” laws don’t count when dealing with muzloid terrorists out to destroy civilization.

  2. 480v can be fun too, properly applied. You can blow holes in them, destroy large muscle groups like the legs, and then unshackle them and taunt them by saying you’ll let them run away now, and laugh at them when they try.

    Be ready to revive them tho, in case you accidentally stop their black, evil hearts.

    Wouldn’t want them to miss a minute of the fun they’ve so richly earned…

  3. While back here in the U.S., millions of military aged men are illegally pouring over the border and spreading to parts unknown. And an Obama-appointed judge decided it’s OK for them to buy and possess guns.

    Brace yourself, America. It’s coming.

  4. Anyone here ever go through the Escape and Evasion Course for infantry grunts in the 82nd Airborne? Everyone gets caught and tortured and you remember that shit for your whole lifetime.

  5. Torture is warranted in this case.

    The followers of the dead pedophile moon goddess worshipper claim to not fear death.

    So don’t kill them.

    But make them fear LIFE.

    Make it as bad, as painful, and as humiliating as possible for as long as you can keep them alive. Bring them back if they die so they can have MORE pain and humiliation.

    “Pain lays not its touch upon a corpse”, wrote Aeschylus.

    So make them crave death.

    And don’t let them die.

    And let all who would come after, know they will get the same.

  6. Seriously, which parts do they hook up? Balls to ground, dick to ground, ball to ball or dick to ball? I may need to torture a communist so I need to know more.

  7. GM – I terrorists were well grounded, they wouldn’t be terrorists!

    DON CHERRY Canadian Hockey Commentator for CBC Television, was asked on a local live radio talk show, what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists. His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.

    Don Cherry :
    “If hooking up one raghead terrorist prisoner’s testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying little camel shagger will save just one Canadian life, then I have only three things to say:

    ‘Red is positive, black is negative, and make sure his nuts are wet. :sHa_shakeshout:

  8. general malaise
    TUESDAY, 26 MARCH 2024, 11:03 AT 11:03 AM
    Seriously, which parts do they hook up? Balls to ground, dick to ground, ball to ball or dick to ball? I may need to torture a communist so I need to know more.”

    …Communists and terrorist are pretty much the same in this…

    …as for your question, for NSA reasons I’m not going to get specific, but as an electrician I can tell you that electricity takes the shortest path to ground, so consider what that path will traverse when planting your electrodes, and place them according to what in particular you want the power to pass through.

  9. @Ranger 76

    I went through E and E, but just in the regular infantry up in Ft. Ord, not a Ranger unit.

    All the idiots tried to go directly through Aggressor territory, and they got caught and tortured (lightly). Me and another guy studied the map, and bypassed the entire thing. We went up a road on the edge of the fort. We could see the lights of Salinas to the east. The route took us longer, but we met no aggressors on the way. We got to the end point and had some tasty hot chocolate while we amused ourselves at the plight of the ones who got caught.

    We applied the old flanking movement and it paid off.


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