Biden Says He’ll Use Taxpayer Money to Fix Baltimore Key Bridge, Won’t Answer if Ship’s Company Will Help – IOTW Report

Biden Says He’ll Use Taxpayer Money to Fix Baltimore Key Bridge, Won’t Answer if Ship’s Company Will Help

Western Journal:

While the country’s eyes have been fixed to the spectacular destruction early Tuesday of a vital bridge in Baltimore, President Joe Biden said the federal government would replace the structure.

And the terms were unmistakable. But some social media users took note of what he didn’t say.

12 Comments on Biden Says He’ll Use Taxpayer Money to Fix Baltimore Key Bridge, Won’t Answer if Ship’s Company Will Help

  1. Just a nuther opportunity to loot the Treasury!
    Cuz the Demented Grinning Imbecile just can’t wait to jump all over it instead of waiting for the details of what happened and for the ship owners/insurance to weigh in on their financial responsibility!

  2. Was this bridge RACIST; For being in the way of this ship?
    Will it have to be 15,000 feet tall with foundations built on confederate cemeteries in Georgia? What’s going to be UN-RACISTS????

  3. The Feds do share responsibility. It’s an Interstate, after all (I-695 Balto. Beltway).

    But why should the ship’s company/companies pay? It was a couple of highly trained and certified Baltimorons who were in charge when they crashed that ship. The pilot is in full command with full authority and full responsibility, replacing the captain.

  4. Uncle Al: “But why should the ship’s company/companies pay? It was a couple of highly trained and certified Baltimorons who were in charge when they crashed that ship. The pilot is in full command with full authority and full responsibility, replacing the captain.”

    My understanding is that, while it was a local crew piloting the ship in (a standard practice in ports everywhere), the ship itself had a history of malfunctions and safety violations, and had lost all propulsion when the accident occurred. Basically the crew handed over a defective ship to the local pilot, didn’t tell them it was a defective ship, and are dumping the blame on the pilot for something they were responsible for.

  5. The important point is that a gay/tranny, mixed race (no white of course) Engineer will be given the task of designing a replacement. A black, female-owned construction company whose website talks ONLY about DEI and actually has built NOTHING will be “awarded” the construction contract. The cost will be $20 billion despite the original costing only $375 million in INFLATION-ADJUSTED dollars, with big kickbacks going to Biden, Pelosi, and the cartels that run the Baltimore drug trade.

  6. If you own a horse you need insurance, if you drive a car you need insurance. Why are taxpayers paying for a crash on a waterway by a foreign owned ship?? The bridge didn’t hit the ship.

  7. As I’ve stated on multiple social media posts, the insurance and shipping company will be in courts for decades over this incident – especially since deaths and serious injuries are involved.
    The Port of Baltimore needs to be reopened as soon as possible. Government can step in, clear and reopen the port within weeks to a few months to release trapped vessels and get commerce moving again, then spend the years needed going after the shipping and insurance companies to recoup the costs involved.

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