Have We Considered Arming Ukraine With Haitian Cannibals? – IOTW Report

Have We Considered Arming Ukraine With Haitian Cannibals?

Federalist: President Joe Biden can solve the migrant crisis and bring peace to Ukraine in one fell swoop, solidifying his place in the annals of history as America’s greatest president. He will have to get a little creative, but accomplishing this is surprisingly achievable and aligns with his priorities. more

14 Comments on Have We Considered Arming Ukraine With Haitian Cannibals?

  1. OT
    I just read, from what I consider a reliable source, that McConnel’s dead sister sister in law is listed as the CEO of the company that owned the ship that struck bridge.

  2. “This is a “big effen deal” if true. Was Mitch in on it?”

    I have no idea. Hopefully some “citizen journalists” will pursue this. It just always seems to be the same players. I can’t help thinking this will hurt China and India more than the U.S. We continually get screwed with by our overlords.

  3. Awesome idea! Add the Mexicants and related coloreds from el sud and the Africants and all that plus the sand joggers ha ha autofill and chinks for some added flavor and shitcan the whole bunch over the beloved Ukraine from plus minus ten thousand feet. Lotta farmland Blackrock will be wanting fertilized, using those not consumed by the locals of course.

  4. BRAD
    Reason 1,569,876 why Mitch should be forced lot resign TODAY! NOT IN 8 MONTHS! MITCH HAS BEEN UNIPARTY FOR DECADES and has hurt American taxpayers!
    MITCH OUT 3/28/24!

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