White House announced $6 billion student loan forgiveness for 78,000 public service workers – IOTW Report

White House announced $6 billion student loan forgiveness for 78,000 public service workers

Sara Carter:

The White House recently announced a $6 billion loan forgiveness program. Nurses, teachers and firefighters are among the 78,000 public service workers who will qualify. Fox Business reports:

Due to fixes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, workers that never received forgiveness are now having their debts partially forgiven or canceled. Only about 7,000 public service borrowers received forgiveness prior to the Biden Administration, now that total hovers closer to 870,000, the announcement said.

“Today’s announcement comes on top of the significant progress we’ve achieved for students and student loan borrowers in the past few years,” the announcement stated. “This includes: providing the largest increases in Pell Grants in over a decade to help families who earn less than roughly $60,000 a year; fixing Income-Driven Repayment plans so borrowers in repayment for years get the relief they earned; and creating the most generous Income-Driven Repayment plan in history – the SAVE plan.” MORE

22 Comments on White House announced $6 billion student loan forgiveness for 78,000 public service workers

  1. I have more respect for someone who would stick a gun in my face and try and rob me than a subhuman piece of shit who is too worthless to even steal for themselves and vote for the government to do it for them.

  2. What’s the penalty for a President that disregards a scotus ruling? Is there one? Who enforces those ruling. Maybe he feels he can ignore them because he knows he’s not actually the president.

  3. I’ll tell you who racked up student loans they couldn’t pay off when I was in college, it was the ones who were planning their spring break trips to Mexico and shit like that. About a year ago I was on the train coming home from work and one of the worthless pieces of shit was telling another how people just don’t understand how much everything costs, that just having Uber deliver their food is so expensive. The bastards are now so goddamn worthless they won’t even got off their ass and cook a meal.

  4. I respect a lot of those jobs but those HIGH DEMAND positions that pay well.

    Unless it is different in the States, they make GREAT MONEY up here.

    My teacher friends are making $106,000 to $110,000 per year for less than 9 months work. 10 weeks off in summer, 2 weeks at Christmas, 1 week March Break & a few other stat. holidays.

    Nurses are about $120,000 full time etc.

    Furthermore, this will just get universities to RAISE TUITION sine Pappa Tax Payer is Footing the Bill.

  5. Oh good. Now all these people can 1) start a family, 2) start a business, and 3) buy a home.

    Because there was NO WAY to do any of these things, with a college degree, without taking responsibility for their debts. Now they are all going to be highly motivated responsible members of society…

    …Or just vote for Biden with 2 trans moms raising a baby, selling gay flags from their apartment on Etsy while bitching about the rent and being held back because of sexual preference.

  6. Wait, Did SCOTUS not rule this unconstitutional and illegal? Yes they did. Captain Brain Dead is pissing all over our Republic. That’s the real crime here. Where’s the outrage people. This has little to do with the earning potential of a PolySci degree. Wake up.

  7. Nurses in the flyover states make about 25 an hour. I made 45 an hour as a dipshit Telco (off reservation) moron.

    I think that’s completely fucked up. They, and RRTs, should make 80 and hour, (or more) and I’ll keep my dipshit 45 an hour.

    I’m not making any kind of joke.

    Yes, I was a good telephone man. One of the best. Not much I don’t know, and nothing I can’t look up.

    There is something really fucking wrong with the healthcare industry.

  8. Six BILLION dollars, divided by 78,000 public service workers?
    $6,000,000,000 ÷ 78,000 = $76,923.07?
    So: Is each nurse, teacher, and firefighter really going to have $76,923 of student loans forgiven?
    Or, does that include “administrative costs”?
    Or 10% to the big guy?

  9. That didn’t come out right. Me fixing 200 telephones is not worth one life. 2000 telephones. Not worth anything.

    Jennifer pumps hearts and lungs and Prays the Rosary for you.

    G-d Bless. Happy Easter.

  10. Never forget that the salaries of these folks are already being STOLEN from everyone through taxation. These are not folks who work in the private voluntary sector where their continued employment is predicated on voluntary exchange with customers that have a choice. These people have jobs because of political whims, the violence of government, and control of a monopoly service that government protects with all its might.

  11. If I were an employer and found out that an applicant had his degree paid off by the taxpayer, I’d tell him his degree is worth exactly what he paid for it. Get out!
    I wouldn’t want that kind of entitlement mentality in my company and the demands that inevitably go along with it. More employers should consider that!

  12. Hey, I drove to college in a vehicle with a light bar on it because I had to go on duty later, for 4 years in 19dicketysomething. What’s the lookback period herr, can I get a refund?

  13. Why oh why can’t we stop this insufferable prick from doing unconstitutional things while he is also an illegal squatter in the White House!

    Sorry answered my own question didn’t I?

  14. Erik, I appreciate respiratory therapists, doing the work that doctors won’t. Managing everything from blood gases to maintaining holes that people are breathing through that they didn’t come from the factory with, they definitely improve both quality and quantity of life in the hospital, as well as stand ready to manage life-and-death crises. Pretty important job, I’d say.

    But so was yours.

    I came up when Plectrons and pagers were used for EMS dispatch. I used to joke with people that if they wanted to page me that my pager number was 911, which it literally was, but keep in mind that these dispatches were no laughing matter.

    The caller’s phone had to work.

    The dispatch center’s rather complex switching had to work.

    The phone lines had to be tracable.

    And the link to the radio tower had to be reliable.

    …and in Clinton’s America, that meant phone lines.

    …one such example was that an elderly lady in an apartment by herself fell one day, and after screaming herself hoarse from the pain to no neighborly response, dragged herself to her Life Alert station and activated it. The dispatcher got what he could from their dispatcher and toned us out for an older woman whos “fallen and can’t get up”.

    Yeah, that was a current joke then.

    But it wasn’t very funny when we broke in and found her exhausted from screaming, dragging, and vomiting from the pain with her femoral head vusibly pushing against her skin from the crazy angle she dragged it to.

    She ultimately lived, at least that time. But, horrible as it was, it would have been far worse had all those links and more in the telco system not worked, and she’d been found when the neighbors started to complain about the smell.

    Bear in mind that the Life Alert systems of that era were phone dependent too. No Internet reliable enough for that purpose then.

    …so keep in mind that none of the perks of civilization, no matter how flashy, exist in isolation. Each part depends on every other part to work for the best outcome, and that the more publicized parts wouldn’t even know to get involved if the background parts didn’t get word to them.

    Don’t sell yourself short.

    Your quality phone work may well have been the link that saved many lives.

    That’s why everyone should be proud of the gifts God gave them and strive to do their utmost with them in whatever role they are in, no matter how big or small.

    Because God makes it all work together in the end…

  15. Until a patriot puts a sharp spade to Shitpants’ head, the insulting acts of treason will only get more brazen.

    The Founders made it abundantly clear that capital punishment was warranted in this.

  16. Agree completely with SNS and the Anonymous above.

    If only our government would do 10% of the hard work True Americans do at their job…

    FJB, and where the hell are SCOTUS and the RINO controlled House?


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