Russian assault piles pressure on fragile Ukrain – IOTW Report

Russian assault piles pressure on fragile Ukrain

MSN: A key Ukrainian defensive line on the eastern front appears to have partially fallen to Russian forces in the past week, according to a British defense intelligence statement and military bloggers quoting sources on the ground.

The United Kingdom’s defense intelligence agency on Saturday released an unusually negative assessment of Kyiv’s fortunes near the city of Avdiivka, which fell to Russian forces in mid-February. The UK statement, which was shared on X, said: “Russian forces have maintained a gradual advance West of Avdiivka. In late March 2024, they almost certainly took control of two villages – Tonenke and Orlivka – and are continuing to contest others in the area.”

The agency added that Russia had significantly more personnel and munitions in the area than Ukraine and was able to replenish their forces by 30,000 troops a month.Expand article logo  Continue reading

While the villages are not in themselves of strategic significance and struggled to hold a few hundred residents before the war, they formed part of the defensive line that Kyiv has fought bitterly to hold after their forced withdrawal from Avdiivka. Their apparent fall in just over a month after a prolonged and brutal Russian assault is indicative not only of Russian momentum, but also the fragility of Ukraine’s defensive lines. more

14 Comments on Russian assault piles pressure on fragile Ukrain

  1. ^^^ Dat’s right. Thousands of good men have been
    slaughtered on both sides.History tells us that Mother Russia is a slow HUGE bear.Don’t mess with bear.Just ask Hitler & Napoleon…… Billions$$$ flushed away from the labor of the tax slaves in America.

  2. They keep telling us that Tusdia is hamstrung and can’t make “big arrow” moves without Five Eyes knowing and warning Ukraine. What they’re finding out is that Russia has no intention of making obvious grand offensive attacks, and never did.

    Satellites and drone surveillance are almost useless against the slow, short, grinding assaults and the almost imperceptible (by Five Eyes) troop movements made by the Russians all along the front.

    7elensky and his henchmen, desperately seeking more weapons and money, keep screeching about the supposed massive assault which the Russians are preparing for the Summer, and asshats like Lindsey Graham believe it because it suits their agenda.

    They all want a Big Arrow Russian offensive to justify everything and make the IC feel useful again, but the big one is never coming. There will only be the unsexy and merciless meat grinder until Ukraine is bled dry.

  3. The Russians still may have a sense of the patience of the Communists and the Red Army who ran the place for 70 years or so and won a couple of bloody wars launched against it.

    But they no longer conquer for communism, they are fighting to liberate some of their own people who live in Ukraine that want to re-join Mother Russia. But even more basic, IMO, it’s a war over who is going to control a certain hunk of land technically inside Ukraine but spiritually Russian.

    Even if the Western Yurps and the US intervene with military forces, I am convinced Russia will win. I am only surprised that it has not yet happened.

    Zelensky probably should make arrangement to get out of Dodge. He’d be safer living in Haiti than staying in Kiev.

  4. “… they are fighting to liberate …”
    Scuse me, but that’s bullshit. Putin doesn’t give a flying fig about liberating any-fukkin-one.

    Russia wants the Donbas.
    Russia is pissed that Ukraine took over their World-wide (and apparently highly profitable) money laundering operation – and they want it back.

    No altruism anywhere in this sordid crap-fest.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Fuck Ukraine.
    Fuck Joe Biden.
    Fuck Surgeon General Tranny McTrannyFace.
    Fuck …

    P.S. Everyone should follow Michael KnowLess’ lead by calling transGenders, transVestites instead. Dead label them.

  6. Marooned, I never stopped calling them “transvestites”. Also don’t say “pedophile”, say “child molester”. “Pedophile” means you like children, not rape them.


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