What’s With All The Sniffing? – IOTW Report

What’s With All The Sniffing?

SICK! Joe Biden Repeatedly Sniffs Baby at White House Easter Egg Roll.
He can’t help himself.

31 Comments on What’s With All The Sniffing?

  1. And the parent offers his kid up as some sort of “Take one for the team liberal sacrifice”. WTF? Well I guess old Joe wanted the Adrenochrome. A small price to pay for $7.00 fuel and a 58% inflation rate.

  2. Biden is merely trying to inhale the innocence and purity of childhood since he has never experienced it in his own hateful, Satanic and liberally controlled life.

  3. I reckon babies give off the pure scent of adrenochrome, and Biden is jonesing because his handlers have cut back his adrenochrome allotment since it doesn’t work anymore.

  4. He’s a sick man that needs help. Assuming there is a cure for his kind of sickness.

    I honestly have never heard before of such weirdness as him always wanting to sniff little kids.

  5. He’s a pedocrat and a dog-rapist. ALL democrats are perverse pedophile dog-rapists. Satanic scum, and should all be flung into the sun.

  6. Like Brad said, why do these weirdo parents offer up their kids for Joey to sniff? It’s extremely disturbing. Who the fuck laughs this off and lets it occur time after time. Creepy doesn’t even come close to what’s happening here.

  7. Tim Buktu
    MONDAY, 1 APRIL 2024, 22:41 AT 10:41 PM
    “He’s a sick man that needs help. Assuming there is a cure for his kind of sickness.”

    There is.

    Same cure as for all pedophiles.

    Three boluses of plumbum, ideally 14 grams (230 grain), injected with 2 interthoracically and 1 intercranially in rapid sucession, using a chemically charged applicator at close range. A longer range applicator with lower gram weight is acceptable, but does require additional skill and training to maximize efficacy.

    This is the only known cure for pedophilia.

  8. You gotta wonder why Old Joe’s staff doesn’t try to dissuade him from creeping on kids out in public, they have to know it’s ‘bad optics’. When he sees young children he makes a beeline right for them, he just can’t control himself.

  9. Mrs radiomattm
    MONDAY, 1 APRIL 2024, 23:01 AT 11:01 PM
    “Like Brad said, why do these weirdo parents offer up their kids for Joey to sniff?”

    …the minions of satan are accustomed to offering up their children for the favor of their evil master, this is just an extension of that. Children to Democrats are tools for personal gratification and advancement, nothing more.

    When they let them live to be born, that is…

  10. Wild Bill
    MONDAY, 1 APRIL 2024, 23:10 AT 11:10 PM
    “You gotta wonder why Old Joe’s staff doesn’t try to dissuade him from creeping on kids out in public, they have to know it’s ‘bad optics’. ”

    …he’s meant to be a walking insult to us, a giant middle finger and a symbol that they can install whoever they want over us to do whatever they want to us, and we are powerless to do anything about it.

    Stop? I’m only surprised they haven’t had him rape a child during a press conference at this point.

    …maybe after the next, eh, “election”…

  11. @SNS

    There is a cure as you helpfully point out. How to apply it is the next question, or rather, who will apply it?

    It could be a totally crazy nut acting on his own crazy idea, like Charles Giteau, or a highly intelligent planner, like Mr. John Wilkes Booth. Each of them got the job done. Who’s to say which one had the more effective approach?

  12. If I only had a brain, DJT.
    Butt I do have a tiny mushroom thingy which got me in a heap of trouble with a capital T. Oh I long for the days gone by. I do miss the days at,…. Pedo Island.

  13. “There is no cure for pedophelia or treason, only the ultimate punishment.”

    If that were to happen, America would be immediately better with all the Dems and Rinos being put down.

  14. Sniffing helps with activating adrenochrome.

    BTW, tap “Adrenochrome” into the google machine and it’s all Hollywood results until you hit the wiki page where the 3rd word of the 2nd sentence is “conspiracy” that ends with QAnon. lol. Then more hollyweird results.

    Now why in the world are the world’s top pedo’s so interested in adrenochrome where they make movies about it and then when there’s any factual knowledge into it scream CoNspIrACY!!!??


  15. I’m with Brad & Mrs Radiomatt.
    Are the parents who attend these things so blind from being starstruck or in front of cameras or what?
    The way he always carries on with children in front of them while they giggle and laugh. A pedo’s dream.
    Having children delivered.

  16. Biden’s staff has repeatedly counseled Biden about his propensity to sniff and fondle little girls.
    Biden displays uncontrollable urges against better judgement. From showering with his adolescent daughter, having sex with his children’s babysitter, sexual assault of Tara Reade, a former junior staffer, and his sniffing and fondling the Children and wives of elected Senators being sworn into Office.
    Biden continually displays an irresistible urge to act with no control over the urge to sniff and fondle.
    In Biden’s mind his unrestrained behavior is natural, he bares no responsibility for his involuntary conduct. Biden will continue to display his proclivity to sniff, and fondle babies, adolescent girls and adult women, against all better judgement.


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