Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning – IOTW Report

Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning

“Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent.”

A world-leading virologist has issued a shocking warning to the American public that a “massive tsunami” of death will soon destroy the global COVID-19 vaccinated population.

38 Comments on Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning

  1. At the bottom it says you will need to take drugs WELL BEFORE you get sick.

    Vax, Vax (booster #1), Vax (variant boost #2, Vax Yearly, Drugs, Drugs, Drugs…

    So, essentially repeat customers perpetually.

    I had to take 2 shots for work, but nothing else ever again that isn’t above 80 Proof & out of Kentucky.

  2. We’ve been burying our Vaxxx dead for three years now, whether we call them that or not.

    All he’s saying is the process is going to accelerate.

    …And yet we let them continue to destroy young children who aren’t even at risk, for no reason other than it grants immunity from lawsuits to the pharmas as long as they keep pretending it’s an actual vaccine because that’s what the law says.

    How many will be maimed and die from THAT? Have we destroyed a generation?

    …for the second time today, I must say Jesus wept.

    But this time from our hubris, our stupidity, our cowardice, and our gullibility in allowing ourselves to become so frightened by a virus we will inject death into our children rather than believe our government serves satan, despite all the evidence it does.

    …and may He add the billions of mansions to Heaven to house this modern Slaughter of the Innocents.

    And may He return in wrath to avenge it.

    Soon and very soon.

  3. Almost afraid to forward this information. Now alienated from too many associates who refuse to believe (admit?) there is anything wrong with the slab jab. So sad. They’d rather deny the lie and die.

  4. It’s something new every day. All the hyperventilating over everything is just what Satan wants us to occupy our minds with. When something happens that will require strong willed minds to tackle, we will all be a quivering pile of goo.

    Take the fear they want us to wallow in about the eclipse. The eclipse will do nothing. “They” may do something bad on that day, but it won’t be the moon covering the sun for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Sheesh.

  5. And, And, And, the cows flying around the feedlot, have caught bird flu, which may be transmitted to humans.
    Let me guess, they’re using the same PCR test as covid.
    Which they admitted didn’t work and would discontinue use Dec. 2021.

  6. Went to a new Dr’s appointment yesterday. Receptionist was a wonderful young lady who greeted me by pushing her chair back and in a very humorous way asked me all the stupid questions about having sniffles, fever, cough and other symptoms all of which I replied negative too.
    She then asked if I wanted a mask for my safety as she a drawer full of them nobody wanted.
    After a good laugh I asked her if she knew something I didn’t about an upcoming event or disaster or something. Her reply was “there making me do this, but the office thinks its because there is an election in November or something”. All with a twinkle in her eye.

  7. I don’t take glee in this. There are a lot of people I know and love who were vaxed twice. They did it bc at the time they thought it was safe and effective and had to get it for work. None challenged my decision to not get vaxed. this is not good news at any level.

  8. I had a 45 year-old friend die suddenly last week, and the autopsy results aren’t in yet. Very sad. He and his wife left the gym after working out and as she started the car he fell over. Preliminary guess is heart attack or stroke. He left two daughters that are in high school as well as his wife. I’m guessing it was the clot shot. They’re a family of liberals, so my guess is that he was vaxxed and boosted repeatedly.

  9. Later today Anymouse will be getting some Ivermectin. Some people keep aspirin and such in their cabinets. I’ll be squirreling away as much as I can over the next couple of weeks. CDC supposedly took down their negative view on the stuff, but any search still says they warn against it.

    Will become hard to get in the immediate future. Suggest my peeps at IOTW stock up now.

  10. I hope that The Jabbed have enough warning (“Yer Gonna Die Next Week”) to shoot the person(s) that Jabbed them.
    Buuuut…..being that most of the Jabbed are DildoCrats, I’m not expecting much.

  11. Better get more popcorn and Bourbon. Can hardly wait for the “why didn’t you say something?” declarations from the victims. Of course we ALL said something, only to be called “anti-vaxxers,” “conspiracy theorists,” etc. I guess I’ll get my suit cleaned too. Time to go “long” on funeral companies like SCI (Service Corporation International – biggest funeral company in US).

  12. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight WEDNESDAY, 3 APRIL 2024,

    Would you believe legitimate Rx from nurse practitioner. Need a script and then there’s a number of sources that will fill it around a buck a pill. Need cooperating physician or nurse practitioner.

    There out there that will write the Rx.

  13. The death jab took my mother, several friends, about half of my first cousins. All of my siblings that are still alive I’m pretty sure got them, I know for fact one of them at least got the first two, the other got at least 2 of the boosters, the third one I’m not 100% sure because he won’t say, but his son tells me he did. About half of my nieces and nephews got at least the first two.
    The thing is I’ve been watching them all die, some died fairly soon after getting them, others it took longer and some have had all sorts of different type of ailments they never had before from weird new allergies all the way up to rare cancers. So this is no surprise to me, but I paid attention before the jabs and right after the jabs. Before the jabs not one single animal survived the jabs, doctors with integrity were telling the truth for those who would listen what would happen, so this isn’t a surprise to me, it has always been just a matter of time.

  14. I never took the jab, lost a brother and friend to the jab. I see it as the sneaky bio-weapon that china developed on American taxpayers dimes and flew it right in via US airlines. I no longer take a yearly shot after hearing people getting the wrong jab. I see no reason to trust humans anymore, why take a chance like that? Got to die of something, had a good life, and the old man is banging on my door 24/7. Are the border invaders taking the jab to get in ??? Good luck

  15. Old Racist White Woman WEDNESDAY, 3 APRIL 2024, 14:47 AT 2:47 PM

    While it’s not a contest your list exceeds mine. Still one is too many. Believe most of those I knew having gotten the jab or multiples of it are gone. Those that are still drinking the Kool-Aid and still sucking air that I might know are not close enough or have proved themselves not worth worrying about.

    Have a number of those with one jab before they realized what was going on to include my son and his wife. Lost one of his twins in Oct. of 21′ and they announced this last weekend they’re pregnant again. Holding our breath.

    And praying…

    Of those still with us with one jab there has been a number of health issues, primarily with the heart.

    I unfortunately believe this summer/fall is going to be something like never before seen. That is to say I believe what the virologist said. Listened to an interview with him on a podcast linked at The Burning Platform.

    The Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are going to be in short supply…

    If he’s right it will have to be started with dosing before symptoms.

    That and the Canadian sources that supply without Rx might get stopped at our border.


  16. The Pfizer two-shot “vaccine” plus a booster caused my father to suffer horribly for about twenty-three months before he died last February.

    Fuck Donald Trump.
    Fuck Joe Biden.
    Fuck Anthony Fauci.

  17. Anymouse, there’s a reason I’m so bitter. I am bitter at a lot of people, some close to me like my sister who had control over my Mother and told them to give her the shot after me begging her not to and even printing study after study in black and white when she kept “claiming” she couldn’t open my links. Since the day of my Mother’s funeral I haven’t spoken to her, she’s dumb enough though that even after that she continued getting boosters, others in the family let me know.

    I am bitter towards all of the politicians and sorry that includes Trump who pushed the damn things. I am bitter towards doctors who told patients either get it or die from covid. I am pissed at employers who told people to choose their job or their life.
    I am bitter at Fauci, Birx and everyone in those government positions along with the drug companies.

    I will vote for Trump, but sadly I won’t feel good about my vote, instead for me it’s like a gun against my head and Biden and his cronies are the gun.
    That’s why I can understand those who say they won’t vote for him unless he at least stops praising them. I wouldn’t go that far, but I get it.
    I have lost a lot of people due to the jab and I still haven’t suffered as much as some who lost their spouses and/or their adult children.


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