Biden Defends Illegal Alien Murderers (Again) – IOTW Report

Biden Defends Illegal Alien Murderers (Again)

Never has an American president defended illegal aliens before his country’s own citizens — until Biden. Last night, his campaign doubled down with a new hoax.

8 Comments on Biden Defends Illegal Alien Murderers (Again)

  1. Do we expect anything different?
    Did you see the interview with Tucker and his neighbor?
    Esau was wearing a t-shirt that said Domestic Terrorist.
    He said it’s because he’s a Christian Conservative and Biden said that’s what he was so he decided to adopt it and make it cool.

    They keep trying to disparage and lie about all of us who don’t want to belong to the Borg Collective but it keeps falling flat.

  2. IF I am to ever accept Joey B. as president, instead of the illegal anti-American narcissist lying sack of paedophile that he is, then I will truly become obsolete!

    The reigning government deep state actors have work extensively to destroy America and it’s legitimate citizens, and have endorsed a replacement program with third world diseased criminal element that they can manipulate to remain in power.

    You bet you ass that most Americans who remember what it was like to be American even 20 years ago, are their enemies. Jackass Joe and Bath house Barry have got to go.


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