‘I Cannot Call Evacuation a Success’: New Details of Afghanistan Chaos – IOTW Report

‘I Cannot Call Evacuation a Success’: New Details of Afghanistan Chaos

RCW: New testimony from those who witnessed firsthand the confusion and chaos of the Afghanistan withdrawal further contradicts President Biden’s assertion that the hurried and violent end to the longest war in American history was an “extraordinary success.”

In a transcribed interview before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, former Foreign Service officer Samuel Aronson said the very opposite in living, harrowing color. “Let me be clear,” he told lawmakers behind closed doors, “I cannot call this evacuation a success.” MORE

15 Comments on ‘I Cannot Call Evacuation a Success’: New Details of Afghanistan Chaos

  1. “I cannot call this evacuation a success.”

    …Pedo’s handlers certainly can.

    They humiliated the United States, demoralized her military, rearmed her most reprobate foreign enemies, and sacrificed some of her dearest blood to the followers of a long dead pedophile , all at the same time.

    Just as intended.

    …whatever HE was told to call it, from the point of view of America’s Communist rulers, it was a ROUSING success.

    Expect more such “successes” as they activate their imported army on our shores.

  2. What else would you expect from the democraps who also lost the Vietnam war because we weren’t allowed to fight to win, LBJ, McNamara etc., the media and academia and the damned anti-Vietnam protest movement in America that caused us to betray our S. Vietnamese allies in 1975, jimma carta who gave us the mad mullahs in Iran in 1979 by deposing the Shah of Iran and now bidumb and his equally worthless cabal of traitors who wouldn’t let us win the War on terror in Iraq and Ashcanistan and betrayed both the Iraqi’s and the Afghans to pisslamic terrorism. And now they’re doing the same to Israel and the Jewish people as well and trying to get us involved in the war between Russia and Ukraine which we have no business being involved in which could possibly lead to World War 3

  3. Just like the actual goals that “Progressives” are chasing, so the actual goals of their Mid-East policy are fare different than portrayed or found to be in America’s interest. They are giddy in that Demorats supplied our enemies with facilities and arms that they couldn’t have dreamed of – and people are not holding them accountable for the treason. Now that arsenal is aimed at Israel, and our technology is sold to other “competitors in the global arena” – and they have a lovely airport to fly into to pick it up. Some General should have “mistakenly” loosed a couple of JDAMs or MOABs to finish the job. Wasting a mill or two would be chump change to the value they willingly issued to forces of darkness.

  4. McNamara as the CEO of Ford in the late 50’s was responsible for the Edsel, the worst POS car that Ford ever built except for the Pinto. So much for the worst and not so bright. He was neither best nor bright. Boy did we ever get sold a lemon with him as Defense Secretary.

  5. .us military went from > 12 mil to about 1.5 mil from 1945 to 1950. truman got the clown-lawyer l. johnson to resign.
    .remfs mcnamara & lbj were responsible for us airmen languishing & dying in commie shithole-prisons, shot down due to “rules of engagement”
    .china a communist shithole since 1949, vietnam since 1975


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