Studies: Pfizer’s Paxlovid doesn’t actually work – IOTW Report

Studies: Pfizer’s Paxlovid doesn’t actually work

New Studies: Pfizer’s Paxlovid doesn’t actually work, ‘rebound’ symptoms occur 25x more often than advertised. Failed drug cost U.S. taxpayers $12.6 billion.

13 Comments on Studies: Pfizer’s Paxlovid doesn’t actually work

  1. Really?

    Next thing you know they’ll be telling us Remdesivir kills people and over ventilating them blows their lungs out.

  2. Have a sister who took it, seemingly got over COVID and then days later, WHAM! – probably way worse than it should have been.

    Buuuuuuuut, she doesn’t listen to me…

  3. some texas medi-cunts told me i could have a Paxlovid rx for covid symptom reduction – but no ivermectin. told them to kiss my ass, somewhat politely.

  4. It’s either Limited Hangouts like this, way after the fact, or complete bullshit in the heat of the crisis. Remember a year or two ago, when the jabbed started having heart attacks and strokes, and all the journos lockstepped up with their list of asinine explanations: cold showers, global warming etc. anything but the jabs.

    Now, with all of the cancers, nanoparticles and weird fibrous clots being found in peoples’ bodies, we are suddenly being inundated—by the usual suspects—with hype and fear-mongering about……“Forever Chemicals”. This shit just appeared out of nowhere, right when they needed a culprit. I’m pretty sure we’re being played again.

  5. @ Kcir – Cause I Give a KCUF Sunday, 7 April 2024, 16:52 at 4:52 pm,
    My favorite is Three Wood but it is hard to find lately….

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