The Push To Halt New Natural Gas Exports Traces Back To One Ivy League Prof And His Shaky Study – IOTW Report

The Push To Halt New Natural Gas Exports Traces Back To One Ivy League Prof And His Shaky Study

Daily Caller: A questionable study by a Cornell University climate scientist gave climate activists and the media ammunition to wage a pressure campaign against the Biden administration to take action against liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports.

Cornell’s Robert Howarth authored the October 2023 study, which purported to find that lifecycle emissions associated with LNG exports are far greater than those attributable to domestically-mined coal. Numerous media outlets, including The New York Times, amplified the study, and climate activists lobbying the Biden administration to kill LNG exports cited it as evidence to substantiate their position before the White House announced the moratorium on LNG export terminal approvals on Jan. 26. more

7 Comments on The Push To Halt New Natural Gas Exports Traces Back To One Ivy League Prof And His Shaky Study

  1. It’s all the media ever needs. They know it’s probably lousy info, but if it serves their agenda they’ll run with it. And then the Democrats will pick it up and destroy our lives over it, just because.
    Did anyone really think that Americans used 500 million plastic straws a day, or that somehow they were worse than all the other plastic??? And that info came from – wait for it – a 9 year old. Really.

  2. Biden will pay lifelong stutter lip service to the enviro-nutters, but he can’t stop shipping LNG; we blew up Nordstream and now we have to make up the difference to Europe. And make a lot of money doing it. But as I said elsewhere, Biden had better watch American LNG shipping terminals very closely. A lot more actors than the enviro-nutters want to shut those things down.

  3. When I was in high school in the 80’s Natural Gas was in all the Government Textbooks as the “CLEANEST FUEL for the FUTURE”

    I wish I had kept a few of those books with the Gov’t of Canada logo on them as proof.

    You know, back when Boys & Girls knew witch bathroom to use…


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