737 Starts Falling Apart – IOTW Report

 737 Starts Falling Apart

Another Day, Another Emergency Landing for Boeing After Parts of a 737 Start Coming Off.

20 Comments on  737 Starts Falling Apart

  1. How old is that plane? Who has been doing the maintenance? I’m thinking this is a problem of the entire aviation industry. They are ate up with invaders and DEI hires.

  2. Heck, most of those parts are optional. Did you know that the engines can fall off modern jets and they’ll keep flying? It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. What’s the big deal? Bolts break, and hey, the engine just plops on the ground, usually with no damage. I’m not worried at all. Gotta run and pick up my car… goin’ on a long trip.

  3. everyone wanted “cheap tickets”. welcome to “cheap tickets”.

    as a 27 year veteran of the aviation industry you couldn’t pay me to get on an airplane today. no thanks, I’ll drive.

  4. The maintenance drones would have known that their Gorilla Glue was a no-good Chicom sabotage plot but they were illiterate and didn’t realize the packaging had no “R”s or “L”s in the product name.

  5. one more thing. we are traveling, at warp speed, to one of the most disastrous aviation tragedies in history if we don’t fix the current state of the aviation industry.

  6. Umm, that pic is a 747, I don’t parts fall off that plane nearly as much as 737s… I could be wrong, but it was designed and built by white people, so a better chance even when older stays together.

  7. Boeing, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, Christian churches you name it wherever and whenever the. Progressive movement shows up and inserts themselves into any institution it’s done for. They exist to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. They are fundamentally incapable of anything other than destroying everything and anything they exert influence over.

  8. White people make complicated things that work well. We also screw things up though, like letting coloreds make complicated things. It isn’t ALL coloreds, just most of them. Just saying.


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