‘Transgender’ California border town mayor faces recall – IOTW Report

‘Transgender’ California border town mayor faces recall

NYPost: A California mayor who came out as transgender after being elected to office is facing a recall vote — blaming it on transphobic “bullies” despite outrage over rampant homelessness and crime.

Raúl Ureña, 26, was elected mayor of the border town of Calexico with 70% of the vote in 2020 — before coming out as transgender and gender fluid following her re-election victory in 2022, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The mayor — who accepts “all the pronouns,” with a preference for “she” — went from office attire of suit and pants for a penchant for low-cut dresses showing off a still-hairy chest, proudly saying she looks “sexy as hell” in office.

While turning heads with the transformation, Ureña also sparked backlash as crime ran rampant in the border town and homeless encampments sprang up in the downtown — with feces left on the sidewalks.


16 Comments on ‘Transgender’ California border town mayor faces recall

  1. This is a great general example of why governments run by people focused on their own identity fail so often. Their attitude is always, 💯 of the time, about how they can be served and given attention. Never about helping others.

  2. It really seems like these people want it to go hot, to get the normal people so upset that they start taking things into their own hands.

    If that happens, they will then use the 87,000 new IRS agents, the armed department of education, the armed social security administration, etc. and all the fags and trannys in the military to try to take the guns.

    Then it is going to get ugly. I don’t know how it will end, but I have invested wisely, and I will not be overtaken without clipping a few of those listed above.

  3. If he’d been a run of the mill faggot, he/she/it wouldn’t probably have attracted as much attention. Maybe they, all of her assumed personality disorders need to be burned at the stake in a blazing pyre of burning faggots. A faggot is also a bunch of sticks, or an English cigarette commonly called a fag.

  4. “‘Transgender’ California border town mayor”

    Where the adjective ‘Transgender’ could be applied as follows:

    ‘Transgender’ California
    ‘Transgender’ border
    ‘Transgender’ town
    ‘Transgender’ mayor

    And amazingly, they all work.


  5. long ago, this town produced men like dea-hero kiki/enrique camarena – murdered by cartel assholes. its current mayoral “product” leaves a lot to be desired.

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