Report: The FBI Refuses to Say Why They Killed Disabled Veteran Theodore Deschler in Pre-Dawn Raid – IOTW Report

Report: The FBI Refuses to Say Why They Killed Disabled Veteran Theodore Deschler in Pre-Dawn Raid

GP: It has been more than 8 months since the FBI killed disabled veteran Theodore Deschler in a pre-dawn raid at his mother’s Tennessee home and they are refusing to provide any details about the case.

The Tennessee Star reached out to the FBI this week for answers about the deadly raid. The FBI told them to pound sand.

“We don’t discuss tactics, techniques or the way we operate,” Memphis FBI Chief Division Counsel and Public Affairs Officer Joel Siskovic said to The Tennessee Star. “That’s not a question we would ever answer.”

The Tennessee Star reported:

More than eight months after a raid that left a Henderson man dead, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) won’t disclose details about the case, while the local police department says they weren’t made aware of the raid until after it happened. more

27 Comments on Report: The FBI Refuses to Say Why They Killed Disabled Veteran Theodore Deschler in Pre-Dawn Raid

  1. I’m surprised the spokesthug didn’t say, “We’re not going to tell you why we killed that rat bastard, and if you keep poking on this we’ll kill you, too.”

    Where in the Constitution is any branch of the central govt granted police powers?

  2. Question I have is why is the FBI involved with a local law enforcement activity? A stabbing at a gas station shouldn’t involve them – not exactly a Federal crime.

  3. Uncle Al
    SUNDAY, 21 APRIL 2024, 11:13 AT 11:13 AM

    “Where in the Constitution is any branch of the central govt granted police powers?”

    ‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.’
    -Mao Tse-Tung

  4. Sean Hannity is full of shit. The only ones in the FBI’s employ who are not irredeemably corrupt have come forward and there have been damn few of them. To say that the FBI is institutionally corrupt is to state the obvious at this point.

  5. oldgeezer
    SUNDAY, 21 APRIL 2024, 11:50 AT 11:50 AM
    “Question I have is why is the FBI involved with a local law enforcement activity? ”

    You’re on our list for asking.

  6. for you cunts, it’s easier & safer to fk with catholics, non-violent j6-visitors, legal gun owners, school board parents, djt supporters, etc. keep sucking grobiden dick & swallowing.

  7. So lets build them a new HQ so they can more-effectively spy on and abuse regular Americans.

    I despise these assholes and the politicians that use them for political gain.

  8. If you work for the FBI you are complicit.
    You would rather turn into a Brown Shirt than to seek
    other employment. Sorry, that excuse doesn’t fucking work anymore. America is being destroyed from within. When will the masses turn on the corrupt deep state? WHEN???????????????
    If you think they will allow a Trump victory you are part of the problem.


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