10 Ways Crooked Joe Could End The Biden Border Bloodbath – IOTW Report

10 Ways Crooked Joe Could End The Biden Border Bloodbath

Biden Bloodbath:

From the very moment he arrived in the Oval Office, Crooked Joe Biden has actively engineered the worst border crisis in the history of our country. In his first 100 days alone, he issued a staggering 94 executive orders overturning the border policies of the Trump Administration. As a result, more than nine million illegal aliens have invaded our southern border to prey on our people and endanger our communities.

Now, in a desperate attempt to evade the massive political liabilities wrought by his open borders agenda, Biden is reportedly going to sign an executive order meant to “stem” the border crisis that he created.

But instead of signing meaningless and purely symbolic executive orders that will do nothing to seal our border and protect our communities, what Joe Biden needs to do is put back in place the commonsense and successful border policies of the Trump Administration.

Here are ten Trump policies that Joe Biden could re-adopt TODAY to begin to secure our border, protect our citizens, and restore the rule of law in America.

1. END “CATCH AND RELEASE.”As part of a January 2017 executive order, President Trump ended the dangerous policy of “catch and release” for illegal aliens apprehended between the ports of entry, as well as those found inadmissible at ports of entry. The Trump Administration detained illegal aliens claiming asylum at the border and those apprehended by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in American communities. The ending of catch and release—combined with record level deportations—sent a strong deterrence message that illegal aliens should not take the journey north because they will not be allowed into American communities. MORE

7 Comments on 10 Ways Crooked Joe Could End The Biden Border Bloodbath

  1. They will not close it until they reach a specific level. I’ve red that level is 33 mil. I’ve also read reality is we are currently at 22 mil. But then you need to ponder, why all military aged fighting men. Women vote too. Bottom line they are killing the country.

  2. It seems to me it would be foolish to think that Biden can do anything. And what would be even more foolish would be to think that republicans can do anything even if they could.

  3. That demented old fuck hasn’t engineered shit except what’s in his diaper! I wish everyone would stop giving him credit for being able to even conceive any type of action anywhere in the world!

    You know the kenyan POS is his handler for the NWO and he’s not even the sharpest tool in the bag, it just seems as though he is because democRATS have become some of the stupidest low lifeforms on the planet since they killed Kennedy!

  4. NONE of this is the fault of Pedo Joe. He’s a stuffed shirt puppet. The people who did all of this are the ones holding his strings. They are unelected, unaccountable and mostly anonymous. All Pedo Joe wants is a fresh pair of Depends, a pudding pop and an 8 year old to molest.


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