O’Keefe to Release “Most Important Story” of His “Entire Career” – IOTW Report

O’Keefe to Release “Most Important Story” of His “Entire Career”

“I Have Evidence that Exposes the CIA, and It’s On Camera.”

21 Comments on O’Keefe to Release “Most Important Story” of His “Entire Career”

  1. “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” ~ Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

    I previously believed that was a threat to Trump; now I believe it was an honest warning.

  2. No, they won’t kill him (probably – that would prove his thesis).
    They’ll discredit him and harass him.
    Remember Philip Agee?
    He exposed other spooks and was simply r*u*n*n*o*f*t.

    But his life as he knows it is over.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The CIA—through the FBI—will Pre-Dawn Raid him and find child porn onto his computer.

    Sometimes I wonder if the CIA and its merry band of cultural influence clowns are the ones behind the ongoing effort to mainstream child-molestation. But then why would they want to blunt the edge of their favorite kompromat tool by making it broadly acceptable? I reckon they know it’ll always be a bridge too far with most people, but the net they cast will be wider, and the school of fish bigger.

  4. They are already creating the AI video of him having sex with little kids. Elections are not going to fix the problems with the alphabet agencies…and certainly not the “intelligence” agencies.

  5. Oh! and don’t forget that the vast majority of IC agents are loyal to the constitution and the United States. It’s just a few at the top that are the problem.

  6. Say what?
    SATURDAY, 27 APRIL 2024, 9:31 AT 9:31 AM
    “Oh! and don’t forget that the vast majority of IC agents are loyal to the constitution and the United States. It’s just a few at the top that are the problem.”

    HEY! That’s MY line!


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