Report: Newly freed J6 defendant shares exclusive, real story about how Officer Harry Dunn Lied on the stand – IOTW Report

Report: Newly freed J6 defendant shares exclusive, real story about how Officer Harry Dunn Lied on the stand

This is the tale of Kenneth Harrelson, a member of the Titusville Oath Keepers. Harrelson narrowly escaped a major legal hit in federal court when he was acquitted of the rare charge of “seditious conspiracy” related to his role in the January 6 Capitol melee. While he managed to dodge the most severe accusation, he wasn’t off the hook. A jury found him, along with Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers, guilty of obstructing an official proceeding of Congress, among other lesser charges.

Though Harrelson avoided the harshest penalties, he still faced a hefty sentence behind bars—a situation made possible by the outright lies of Nancy Pelosi’s favorite pet Capitol Police officer, Harry Dunn. Now free, Harrelson is eager to share his version of the events, detailing the disgusting web of lies spun by Officer Dunn. more

13 Comments on Report: Newly freed J6 defendant shares exclusive, real story about how Officer Harry Dunn Lied on the stand

  1. As you type from the safety of hiding behind your computer screen. That’s the lefts down fall. Eventually shit will get real. And strong typing hands will not do you much good. BOY.

  2. “go f yourself lil black sambo”

    LOL. Sorry fellow readers. I love fucking with these idiots. And that’s one damn funny comment. I’ma gonna go get a custom printed tee shirt that says “Sambo” on it.

  3. Dunn is releasing his tall tale at the end of Oct, just before the election.
    He’ll be on every propaganda show. Too bad no one but fools pay attention to them.
    Pelosi & co must have convinced those crooked capitol cops they are “influencers” or something.

  4. A hill folk honky crackerass claims what? A little hard to understand whiskeybreath wit no teeth. But a real hit in prison & reportedly knows how to bite down & bendoverlike a good girl.

  5. para phrased:
    “It’s their Club and you ain’t in it!”
    George Carlin

    Quote from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
    “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow

    If You screw with the way things are, you’re screwed.
    If like Officer Harry Dunn, you perjure yourself to do what you’re told, you could be be a Congressional Candidate backed by the war chest of the DNC and Pelosi’s Democrat House Campaign committee.

    There is Loyalty among thieves and liars, as long as you do what you are told.


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