An Illegal Alien In Texas Kicked In His Neighbor’s Door – IOTW Report

An Illegal Alien In Texas Kicked In His Neighbor’s Door

An Illegal Alien In Texas Kicked In His Neighbor’s Door And Threatened To Kill Him After The Neighbor Simply Asked Him To Quiet Down.

SNIP: It’s worse in neighborhoods with illegal alien clownhouses.

17 Comments on An Illegal Alien In Texas Kicked In His Neighbor’s Door

  1. “An Illegal Alien In Texas Kicked In His Neighbor’s Door And Threatened To Kill Him”

    I wait every night patiently. Let’s hope the neighbor votes Republican this time.

  2. Happened down in San Antonio…Illegal Alien broke through door and put a gun to mister neighbor’s head. FWIW, the neighbor, who was apparently armed, did manage to pop off a couple of rounds, hitting the perp his hand and foot…as well as accidentally hitting a female bystander in the leg. Looks like someone should really invest in a bit more extensive range time.

    Wonder what the odds are that the whole bunch of them are ‘migrant newcomers?’


  3. This we defend,
    The neighbor was using a shotgun. AFAIK, no mention was said of what kind of load (birdshot, buck, slug, etc) he was using.
    As for the bystander, what was she hit with, how many, and how seriously hurt (or not)?
    The propaganda won’t report the full news, and leave just enough out to let you come to your own (usually incorrect) conclusions.


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